Eye drops are the most popular choice among the list of medication for glaucoma … They can show up on drug tests for several days or weeks after you use them. In fact, one recent study showed that Currently, the only way to control glaucoma and prevent vision loss is to lower the pressure in your eye. 2006;15(5):349-53.Miller S, Daily L, Leishman E, et al. Shaping Patients' Perspective of Medical Marijuana for Glaucoma Treatment. If the effects of cannabis compounds can be isolated, made to be long-acting, and the side effects eliminated, they may lead to new treatments in the future. While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hasn't recognized or approved the use of the marijuana plant as medicine, many states have legalized marijuana for medical use. Cannabis and currently available compounds derived from marijuana like CBD are not an adequate treatment for glaucoma, or any eye condition. 1. Marijuana is not a practical treatment for constant use. 2010;19(2):75-6.Higginbotham EJ, Higginbotham LA. The aqueous humor is a clear fluid that maintains the integrity of the eye. However, such developments require more research and are years away from becoming a reality.Why Eye Doctors Don't Recommend Marijuana for Glaucoma InfographicGet ophthalmologist-reviewed tips and information about eye health and preserving your vision. While they may have a lot in common, they have some key differences that determine how they’re used.Both CBD and THC have the exact same molecular structure: 21 carbon atoms, 30 hydrogen atoms, and 2 oxygen atoms. Improper functioning of the ECS leads to maladies such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.Previous research has demonstrated the medicinal nature of cannabinoids in the reduction of IOP for treatment of glaucoma. 2004;88(5):708-13.Green K. Marijuana smoking vs cannabinoids for glaucoma therapy. Neural Plast. Available for Android and iOS devices. Some studies claim cannabis increases blood pressure, while others suggest it reduces it. The potency of THC as well as other active molecules including cannabinol and cannabidiol are believed to vary from strain to strain given the lack of regulation.Finally, cost considerations must be considered. Over 480 chemical, including 66 cannabinoids exist in marijuana. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Among the cited exogenous compounds introduced are Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), a phytocannabinoid, and WIN 55,212-2, a CB1 agonist. But to treat glaucoma and save vision, eye pressure has to be controlled 24 hours a day.To reduce intraocular pressure by 3 to 5 mm Hg — and maintain that reduction — you would have to As a comparison, alcohol also has a moderate intraocular pressure-lowering effect for an hour or so after a drink. CBD is a derivative of cannabis that doesn’t have mood-altering effects. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. This includes cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), two natural compounds found in plants of the THC is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis that produces the Read on to learn more about these compounds. Several current, effective treatments for gla… While frequent use of marijuana would be required for effective lowering of IOP, it is also prone to abuse by erratic usage guided by neurogenic cravings rather than fixed dosing intervals. Ophthalmic Res 1982; 14:124–128. An elevated IOP leads to optic nerve deterioration and associated irreversible functional vision loss.While glaucoma does not always present with an elevated IOP, it does represent a modifiable risk factor in all cases of the disease. As marijuana has been legalized for medical or recreational use in more U.S. states and Canada, it has become more visible and discussed as a possible treatment for many health conditions. 2005;14(2):175-7.Jampel H. American Glaucoma Society position statement: marijuana and the treatment of glaucoma. Use of Cannabinoids for Long-Term Treatment of Glaucoma The average glaucoma patient will require treatment over a number of decades; therefore, any drug designed to treat glaucoma will have to be both safe and effective when administered in the long term [ 6 ]. Ophthalmology 1980; 87:222–228.Merritt JC, Cook CE, Davis KH. Cannabinoids demonstrate two key properties: they reduce IOP and provide neuroprotection.Smoking marijuana evidently lowers IOP; however, the tolerance that develops after repeated use, coupled with the adverse side effects, is a deterrent for this route of exposure.Further studies have been performed to suggest that CBD likely has an opposing effect to THC with regards to IOP-lowering. A slight difference in how the atoms are arranged accounts for the differing effects on your body.Both CBD and THC are chemically similar to your body’s endocannabinoids. For another study, glaucoma patients were offered THC-containing pills and/or cigarettes. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, this is because glaucoma is caused by elevated rates of intraocular pressure, which puts stress on the optic nerves. The Some people may prefer to use CBD because of the lack of this side effect.CBD is used to help with other various conditions, such as:These side effects are part of the compound’s psychoactive properties.However, high THC use may be connected to long-term negative psychiatric effects.