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ACTS has been funded by a National Health and Medical Research Council project grant (APP1023239).This study has been externally funded by the Australian Government funding body, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC - project grant number APP1023239).Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne, Level 3, 207 Bouverie St, Carlton, 3053, Victoria, AustraliaMurdoch Children’s Research Institute, Parkville, 3052, Victoria, AustraliaInstitute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, 60 Musk Ave, Kelvin Grove, Brisbane, 4057, Queensland, AustraliaMelbourne Sexual Health Centre, 580 Swanston Street, Carlton, 3053, Victoria, AustraliaSydney Sexual Health Centre, Sydney Hospital, Macquarie Street, Sydney, 2001, New South Wales, AustraliaDepartment of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, the Royal Women’s Hospital, Parkville, 3052, Victorian, AustraliaDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Melbourne, Carlton, 3053, Victoria, Australiathe Australian Chlamydia Treatment Study (ACTS) investigators, AustraliaYou can also search for this author in 10.1097/OLQ.0b013e3181a2a933.Handsfield HH: Questioning azithromycin for chlamydial infection. 10.1097/00007435-200209000-00001.Dean D, Suchland RJ, Stamm WE: Evidence for long-term cervical persistence of chlamydia trachomatis by omp1 genotyping. 2006, 8: 16-26. 10.1111/j.1439-0272.2009.01019.x.Huston W, Theodoropoulos C, Mathews S, Timms P: Chlamydia trachomatis responds to heat shock, penicillin induced persistence, and IFN-gamma persistence by altering levels of the extracytoplasmic stress response protease HtrA. 2004, 42: 239-241. 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