See a doctor for any sudden hearing loss or for muffled hearing that doesn’t improve with self-care. There are 140 conditions associated with dizziness, fatigue, headache and hearing loss. Reasons for this might include:If you suspect you have Meniere's disease, make an appointment with your doctor. Muffled hearing occurs when sound waves have trouble passing through the inner ear. More than 200 disorders can cause it. Muffled hearing might be caused by something as simple as congestion from the common cold or hay fever, in which case, hearing may gradually improve on its own. This can happen with Meniere’s disease, age-related hearing loss, noise-induced hearing loss, and hearing loss due to head trauma or medication. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms dizziness, fatigue, headache and hearing loss including Middle ear infection, Labyrinthitis, and Hearing loss. Some of the more common ones include:Depending on the condition that causes it, tinnitus can go away on its own or you might have it for a long time. This tube helps the ears drain fluid from the middle ear. Muffled hearing doesn’t always occur by itself. But sometimes, muffled hearing is due to a serious condition like a tumor or head injury. Muffled hearing in one ear can be a symptom of many conditions. These include: Earwax prevents dirt and debris from entering the ear canal, and it also acts as a lubricant for ears. For a benign tumor, a doctor may monitor the growth and only recommend surgery if the tumor increases in size. I also have a weird muffled sound in my left ear. A common cold can also cause muffled hearing due to congestion blocking the Eustachian tube. Other symptoms include ear pain, bloody drainage from the ear, ringing in the ear, vertigo, and nausea.A lump on the neck can be a sign of nasopharyngeal cancer. In this case, drainage or congestion from these secondary infections causes clogged ears.Common treatment options for muffled hearing include:When a blockage causes muffled hearing, removing the obstruction may reverse hearing loss.With earwax, your doctor may recommend an at-home earwax removal kit to soften and flush out the wax, or remove the wax in-office using a special instrument. Other symptoms of medicine-induced hearing loss include vertigo, tinnitus, and fullness in the ear.A ruptured eardrum isn’t usually an emergency and heals on its own. "American Tinnitus Association: "Causes," "Treatment Options," "Understanding the Facts. These include:Hearing loss ranges from mild to severe. These sound-amplifying devices can be worn in your ear or behind your ear.Because loud sounds can cause permanent damage to your eardrums, it’s important that you take steps to protect your ears. Whether it is in one or both ears, sound can be unclear, muffled or you might hear only some frequencies. This is to see if fluid has entered. goes away when you yawn, swallow, or chew gum. For example: Even though some people have muffled hearing while sick with the common cold, it can also develop after a cold. See your doctor if your hearing doesn't get better in a few days.Cleaning inside your ear canal, especially with cotton swabs, can push wax deeper into the ear. Colds are usually harmless, with a clogged ear improving once congestion does. Some common activities and conditions that can lead to airplane ear include:A mild case of airplane ear can cause muffled hearing or some hearing loss, a feeling of "stuffiness" inside your ear, and possibly pain. "American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: "Causes of Hearing Loss in Adults. An audiologist can diagnose, treat, and help you manage hearing loss.That feeling of pressure inside your ears when an airplane is takes off and lands is called airplane ear. For a foreign object, your doctor may use a small vacuum device or small forceps to clear the blockage. This type of cancer develops in the upper part of the throat and can cause muffled hearing, ringing in the ear, and ear pain.This disease of the inner ear causes a variety of symptoms, including muffled hearing, tinnitus, vertigo, and pain in the ear. A mild case of airplane ear can cause muffled hearing or some hearing loss, a feeling of "stuffiness" inside your ear, and possibly pain.