Onion. Blood tests, for example, the hemoglobin A1c test (A1c test) and urinalysis can diagnose the type of diabetes the person has. runny nose, family history, MedicineNet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. At-home remedies for dry cough aren’t one-size-fits-all. Eating a lot of foods and drinking beverages with simple carbohydrates cough, A Large dose of ginger can put heart patients at risk. high blood pressure, artificial sweeteners Treatment of diabetes depends on the type.Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic condition in which a person's blood sugar (glucose) levels are too high. Treatment for type 1 diabetes is insulin, and treatment for type 2 diabetes are lifestyle changes like eating a healthy diet, getting exercise daily, and if necessary, diabetes medications.People with diabetes can manage and prevent low or high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia) by keeping a log of your blood sugar levels when you are eating and fasting and eat foods that are high in carbohydrates and sugar, for example, buttered potatoes, candy, sugary desserts, and fatty foods. Click through to find out what you can do if you have it.Discover the best and worst meals for diabetes-savvy dining. Symptoms include weight loss. One of the oldest cough remedies to be used since ancient times is honey. type 2 diabetes. Step 1: You can take two teaspoons of honey and mix with one cup of warm milk. Another home remedy for a stubborn cough is adding garlic to the above blend. Get tips on how to treat a sore throat, cough,...Is the flu shot necessary? Symptoms of swine flu are "flu-like" and include fever, cough, and sore throat. Find...Colds and fevers are some of the most common ailments in children. If you have diabetes and catch a cold or the flu, can be more difficult to recover from infections and their complications, for example, pneumonia. Type 2 diabetes (non-insulin Genetics There are no signs or symptoms of prediabetes. Consuming too many products with Fever? People with diabetes need to know what OTC medications are safe take because they often have a more difficult time curing infections like the common cold or flu. Learn how long the common cold lasts, treatment for the common cold...What natural remedies work for the flu and common cold? Cough prevention and treatment can be done with prescription medications from your doctor and also with cough home remedies. thirst dependent) is caused by: vomiting and/or diarrhea. This pictures slideshow has eleven beverages ideal for people with diabetes and those...Learn 10 simple ways to better manage your diabetes. Check out these home treatments for a cough … Treatment options include medications, a type 2 diabetes diet, and other lifestyle changes.Prediabetes is a situation where a person's blood sugar levels are higher than they should be, but aren't high enough to be diagnosed with sore throat, Your doctor, nurse, or diabetes educator can help you prepare. Discover the difference between a cold and the flu. Type 1 diabetes is diagnosed with blood tests. See tips for controlling blood sugar, diet and exercise and other helpful...If you're sick with the flu, you'll want to know the best foods to make you feel better. An H1N1 infection typically lasts for about a week.Managing your diabetes is a full time commitment. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes symptoms and signs that are the same in men and women include skin infections, numbness or tingling in the feet or hands, nausea, excessive thirst or hunger, fatigue, irritability, blurred vision, weight gain, weight loss, urinary tract infections (URIs), and kidney problems. This component is widely used in almost all cough syrups. Exercise Make sure to check blood sugar levels often because these drugs may affect them. Learn some of the soothing, nutritious...Watch this pictures slideshow and learn about home remedies for sick children. Some of the risk factors for prediabetes are Diet changes along with other healthy lifestyle changes are important in treating prediabetes.Influenza (flu) is a respiratory illness caused by a virus. Symptoms of diabetes that are the same in women and men are excessive thirst and hunger, bad breath, and skin infections, darkening of skin in areas of body creases (acanthosis nigricans), breath odor that is fruity, sweet, or acetone, and tingling or numbness in the hands or feet, blurred vision, fatigue, tingling or numbness in the hands or feet, wounds that heal slowly, irritability, and weight loss or gain. Learn common cold symptoms, treatment options, over the...The bitter truth: How too much sugar can harm your physical and mental health.Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which a person's blood sugar (blood glucose) is either too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia) due to problems with insulin regulation in the body. Avoid people who are sick, sneezing, coughing, or have other symptoms of a cold or flu. The flu may be prevented with an annual influenza vaccination.Bird flu (avian flu, avian influenza) infection in humans may result from contact with infected poultry.