Please check with the appropriate physician regarding health questions and concerns. Do you feel any pain or tenderness? So now that I’m continuing with this ACV treatment (despite how excruciatingly painful it is at times) I just want to know how exactly can you tell when it’s completely gone? Examine your foot. I found that using those OTC freeze things worked pretty well, but you had to be aggressive with it. Avoid sharing footwear and walking barefoot in the house.This article was written by a professional writer, copy edited and fact checked through a multi-point auditing system, in efforts to ensure our readers only receive the best information. Buff the wart with the pumice stone again, then reapply the plaster until your wart goes away. You should not have any black dots, one of the signs of plantar warts. She holds an English and writing degree from University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. At Healthfully, we strive to deliver objective content that is accurate and up-to-date. Do you see any black dots? in feet, you usually have to dig a bit. I’ve had my wart now for most of my life, and every time I tried treating it before I thought it was gone but it never was. If not, the plantar wart may be gone. Typically the virus is caught off shower floors, locker rooms and public swimming areas. Esp. We did freeze-thaw cycles (Freeze 30 sec, thaw 30 sec, repeat 3x) and then a few days later scrape off the dead skin. Warts are contagious. Salicylic acid is considered an effective remover for the most common types of warts. Also, with successful treatment, you should feel no pain or tenderness when walking.If you are unsure whether your wart is removed, see your doctor. A plantar wart is a wart on the bottom of your foot that is caused by a viral infection. If you instead see … Your skin should look smooth, particularly in the skin’s ridges. Are they smooth and uninterrupted? 1 doctor answer. So how do you tell when a plantar wart is removed? If you don’t see any black dots, the plantar wart may be gone.Look at the normal lines and ridges in the skin of your feet. Learn how to … You should not see a bump or circle in the line pattern in your foot. Apply to foot and cover with a clean cloth or bandage. Verify if the plantar wart is healing 1 2. Pulverize several vitamin C tablets and moisten with water. Look for several signs.Wash you hands with soap and water before and after examining your foot. Although we strive to deliver accurate and up-to-date information, no guarantee to that effect is made. Examine the area : Use magnification to determine if the skin lines are normal in appearance. In addition, the … Dr. Jeffrey Kahn answered. What you are probably looking at, when seeing a "smaller wart" is the core. If so, it is possible the plantar wart is removed. To submit your questions or ideas, or to simply learn more, see our about us page: link below. Be patient, as healing can take awhile. The skin lines will go around a wart but will resume a normal pattern once the wart has resolved. It should be turning white, indicating that the skin cells are dying. Warts can be persistent and may need medical treatment for successful removal.Sarah Jae has been writing and editing Web content and consumer health content since 2000. Try to remove the wart with a scalpel or clippers. If your wart is particularly stubborn, see your doctor. Then, cut the plaster to fit the size of your wart. The information contained on this site is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a professional health care provider. Once you start bleeding, you know you've gotten below the wart. If you instead see a bump or circle interrupting the pattern of the lines, the plantar wart may still be there.Gently press on the plantar-wart area. After the two-week preparation, your wart will look white. Plantar warts can be very stubborn and resistant to treatment, depending on their size and the treatment methods you use. The viruses thrive in warm, moist environments and enters the body through tiny cuts, breaks or other weak spots on the bottom of your feet. Treat plantar warts with a 40% salicyclic acid plaster. How do you know when a plantar wart is completely gone? Go to the doctor. Repeat until the wart is REALLY gone (ie bleeds when you scrape … // Leaf Group Lifestyle The sources cited below consist of evidence from peer-reviewed journals, prominent medical organizations, academic associations, and government data. Small black dots, which are actually clotted blood vessels, often appear in a plantar wart.