It can and often does clear up on its own.The treatment is aimed at reducing the itching and discomfort, reducing the risk of scarring and improving the skin’s appearance.Because many people do not respond well to corticosteroid treatment and the risk of adverse side effects, many people choose to use an alternative, natural home remedy.Nevertheless, many of these remedies are tried and tested and effective for many of the symptoms of the condition including itching and irritation. In men and boys, the condition most often affects their foreskin meaning that those who have not been circumcised are at far greater risk.In cases of mild lichen sclerosus especially when the genital regions are not affected, you may not actually require treatment. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. It can lead to blisters, bruises and open wounds or ulcerated lesions. It is also possible that hormones are involved.Lichen sclerosus may cause further complications if it is left untreated. You could Alternatively, put a tablespoon in a glass with around a third cup of clean water. When these wounds are not cleaned properly, they are at risk of infection.There is a small chance that lichen sclerosus can lead to squamous cell carcinoma. Lichen sclerosus is a fairly rare condition characterized by white, patchy skin which is thinner than usual. Some women do feel suicidal after a diagnosis which is why support groups are essential. Surgery in the genital or anal area generally isn't recommended for women with lichen sclerosus because the condition may just come back after surgery.Ask your doctor how often you should return for follow-up exams. Recurrence is common. Possible treatments include: Antihistamine medicine to relieve itching. My treatment for lichen sclerosus was mupirocin and Dermovate. The goal of treatment of lichen sclerosus in the genital/anal areas is to reduce symptoms and prevent scarring. While lichen sclerosus most often affects women post-menopause, it can also affect men and young children. Important Disclaimer: The information contained on Healthy Focus is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Some of the possible causes of the condition include:No. Baking soda may also help relieve the soreness and itching associated with the condition. Lichen sclerosus is a rare condition that can cause pain and irritation. I have a slight improvement, but mostly not cured. And I was just thrilled because julva is so hard to treat. Many women with lichen sclerosus (LS) have found that a borax solution applied twice daily can work for a full reversal of fusing symptoms, at least temporarily, without worsening of the condition.. Lichen sclerosus is not a fungal infection nor is it any other type of infection.Unfortunately, there is no complete cure for the condition. The skin that was so white is now returning to pink. It can also take many years for the condition to develop into a cancer and careful monitoring and regular checks can help prevent cancer from developing.As well as medical creams, ointments and the home remedies listed, there are a number of other measures you can take to make the condition easier to deal with. Treatment helps reduce itching, improve your skin's appearance and decrease further scarring. If not treated early, scar tissue can form on the vulva (the area around the opening of the vagina). Rarely, lichen sclerosus gets better on its own.Corticosteroid ointments or creams are commonly prescribed for lichen sclerosus. make sure that you read the labels carefully to ensure that you take the most suitable dose.Other dietary tips include staying well-hydrated and drinking sufficient water that you produce a pale colored urine. Although the condition typically affects the genitalia, lichen planus cannot be sexually transmitted from one person to another.Although we do not know exactly what causes lichen planus, we do know that it is not contagious in any way.The precise causes of lichen sclerosus remain unknown but stress has not been linked.