Continue reducing the dosage by half until the minimal effective dose is reached.Cats -- 5.5 mg/kg either subcutaneously or intramuscularly, lasting for anywhere between a week and six months.In cats, cardiac disease or a worsening of a preexisting heart condition might occur.Cats are like just like their human counterparts in that they love getting something new. Local therapy does not alter the underlying disease process, and whenever possible comprehensive therapy including physiotherapy and orthopedic correction should be employed.The single intrasynovial dose depends on the size of the part, which corresponds to the size of the animal. MEDROLWhen treatment is to be withdrawn after prolonged and intensive therapy, the dose should be reduced gradually.If signs of stress are associated with the condition being treated, the dose should be increased. Available for Android and iOS devices. Cushing's Disease In a few instances mild and transient improvement of structures other than those injected have been reported. Be the first to hear about new products, latest news, and more. The duration of relief varies, but averages three to four weeks, with a range of one to five or more weeks. Each mL of these preparations contains:Myristyl-gamma-picolinium chloride added as preservativeWhen necessary, pH was adjusted with sodium hydroxide and/or hydrochloric acid.The chemical name for methylprednisolone acetate is pregna-1,4-diene-3,20-dione, 21-(acetyloxy)-11,17-dihydroxy-6-methyl-, (6α,11β)-Methylprednisolone, an anti-inflammatory steroid synthesized and developed in the Research Laboratories of The Upjohn Company, is the 6-methyl derivative of prednisolone. As with other corticoids, continued or prolonged use is discouraged.While no sodium retention or potassium depletion has been observed at the doses recommended, animals receiving methylprednisolone acetate, as with all corticoids, should be under close observation for possible untoward effects. Exceeding prednisolone in anti-inflammatory potency and having even less tendency than prednisolone to induce sodium and water retention, methylprednisolone offers the advantage over older corticosteroids of affording equally satisfactory anti-inflammatory effect with the use of lower doses and with an enhanced split between anti-inflammatory and mineralocorticoid activities. The duration of plasma steroid levels following rapid intravenous injection in intact dogs is appreciably longer for methylprednisolone than for prednisolone, the respective “half-life” value for the two steroids being 80.9 ± 7.5 minutes for methylprednisolone and 71.3 ± 1.7 minutes for prednisolone.While the effect of parenterally administered DEPO-MEDROL is prolonged, it has the same metabolic and anti-inflammatory actions as orally administered methylprednisolone acetate.Systemic therapy with methylprednisolone acetate, as with other corticoids, is contraindicated in animals with arrested tuberculosis, peptic ulcer, and Cushing’s syndrome. While certain aspects of this alteration of the inflammatory reaction may be beneficial, the suppression of inflammation may mask the signs of infection and tend to facilitate spread of microorganisms. DEPO-MEDROL is available in two concentrations, 20 mg per mL and 40 mg per mL. Certain autoimmune diseases of the skin may be treated with this drug. However, in infections characterized by overwhelming toxicity, methylprednisolone acetate therapy in conjunction with appropriate antibacterial therapy is effective in reducing mortality and morbidity. Without conjoint use of an antibiotic to which the invader-organism is sensitive, injudicious use of the adrenal hormones in animals with infections can be hazardous. Estrogen agents may increase the effects of depo medrol. Enter your e-mail address to get a Corticosteroids administered to dogs during pregnancy have also resulted in other congenital anomalies, including deformed forelegs, phocomelia, and anasarca.Not for human use. Methylprednisolone, a potent anti-inflammatory steroid synthesized and developed in the Research Laboratories of The Upjohn Company is the 6-methyl derivative of prednisolone. Federal (USA) law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.These preparations are recommended for intramuscular and intrasynovial injection in horses and dogs, and intramuscular injection in cats.