I’ve tested after less than two weeks in the past. There are challenges in setting up a guideline for the threshold beyond which AI and SERM are to be used, as there are no evidence-based studies at this time to guide the practice. 1 – Diet. Should I take bigger dose of testosterone now to try and boost up E2?. This is also taking into effect that "everything else" basically stays the same. I guess I’m just a bit too impatient in wanting my E2 levels to drop A.S.A.P.I’ll see how my E2 level is when I get my next blood work done in about a month.And it takes a while for brain patterns to accommodate the new hormone balance.So I guess I just have to learn to be a bit more patient.I’ve been on TRT since February of this year, when my TT was 41 ng/dl from a range of 242 - 827 ng/dl.I inject 40mg of Test-Cyp SubQ 3 x per week, and on Nov 24 my TT level was 570 ng/dl from the same range as above.On Nov 21st, I began taking .5 mg of Arimidex 3 x per week, 24 hours after each Test-Cyp injection . By Equinob in forum Anabolic Steroid Forum I realize that every situation is unique, but there should be some general consensus on the matter. So basically 1mg in about 56 hours.Had bloodwork done yesterday afternoon, and while my total testosterone has gone up since Nov. 6th from 567.7 ng/dl to 570.6 ng/dl, my Estradiol has also GONE UP from 89.1 pg/ml to 92.6 pg/ml! What would this have to do with the timing of an AI? The chemical is found in decent amounts in broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. When should I get bloods done? Once again I apologize. so now that its least under control I am doing ..5 e3d again and will test in 4 weeks or sooner if i get tender nips again. Also, my understanding is that this helps keep the E2 the lowest as there is the least amount of Test C to aromatize....Get the test done around the time you would usually pin yourself and on the time you would normally take adex, that should give you an idea of where you will be.Isn't that good for determining trough levels of T for dosage evaluations? This would seem to make a difference with the idea being to keep the test levels even...and even if you don't agree with this strategy, that is the protocol the doc has me on. Yes, but I'm pinning daily so peaks and troughs different from twice a week or once a week test injection. I have taken it for too long now against advice on the directions of pack and now paying the price . Lowering your dosage could be enough to get your estrogen down, EspeciallY since you didn't get the sentiive panel.You could get away with pinning EOD if it bothered you ED...Pinning everyday is not a bother for me - takes less than 2 minutes and that's if I'm screwing around and taking my time. Day before next dose, same day, day after? Two weeks is probably fine. I’m going crazy here. However, AI and SERM were prescribed frequently (30% of cases). Began taking what I assumed was Arimidex which I bought from what I thought was a reliable source, last Wednesday, .5mg 24hrs after my usual Tuesday afternoon injection of .40 ml Test-Cyp, then took another .5 mg of Arimidex on Friday night, 24 hrs after my usual Thursday night injection of .40ml Test-Cyp. This is also taking into effect that “everything else” basically stays … My E2 level on Nov. 24 was 92.6 pg/ml from a range of < 42.5 pg/ml.I just did some blood work today, and my Total Testosterone level is down to 412.1 ng/dl from the same range as above.But why would Arimidex LOWER my testosterone? Appreciate any feedback. the timing of your blood test never changes, the trough of your TT levels should always coincide with the trough in your E levels. In our study, high estrogen after TRT does not necessarily associate with low libido.