How often can you apply herbal hair colors? Love it? Mark This Forum Read View Parent Forum; Search Forum. My black/dark brown hairs turned a dark walnut brown with hints of red wheni it catches the lights, and my white hairs a darker reddish brown (didn't turn black yet). But I learned from Rozalia how to use it again next time. Henna is one of the best hair beauty ingredients that India has shared with the rest of the world. By doing this, your comment won't be available anymore on the platform. Here you can find the video in which I talked about this topic: Reason to report Forum Tools. The powders are surprasingly fine milled. Luckily, that’s not the case with Morrocco Method’s henna hair dyes, because their hair colors are made with 100% pure plant dye. The longest and strongest my hair has ever been. I have not used the new color yet.We promise to only send you good things. Not happy! We’re sorry, but we can’t accept your messages or personal information because you do not meet our eligibility requirements. How To Make Your Henna Hair Color Last Longer. Add a comment to share your thoughts with others. Add a comment to share your thoughts with others. It can happen that you don't get the percentages right, especially if you are a newbie to the henna world or if you try new combinations, like I do, years after my first henna and herbal hair colors application...For me, every new application is an occasion to try new mixes with new percentages... there's no better teacher than our own experience, right?Let's say that you have a result like the one in the photo up here... what do you do? Reason it gets 5 stars is due to the end result. All of you who start using henna and herbal hair colors for the first time, ask me the same questions: I want to answer all of your questions in this post, and I am also going to talk about the different cases that may occur.can vary depending on the final result you wish for.If you want highlights, they can be more or less intense depending on how long you'll Here you can find the video in which I talked about this topic:If, instead, you are looking for a deep, intense color, or if you have to Personally, I manage to get a good coverage of my gray hair by letting the mix sit for 3 - 4 and a half hours, even though I have a high percentage of gray hair. I just used the 2 steps process 2 days ago and finally -no more white hair!! You're going to wait 2 - 3 weeks before applying henna again? For this reason, we recommend making up a 100g batch of henna, dividing it into useful-sized amounts, and freezing it for later use. Add a few henna leaves and continue boiling. I am pregnant and really struggled with having all the white hair. With all sorts of verifiable sources, no one has anAfter the conscious decision to try some henna, how long should you leave it on? This time I want to turn my 2% white hairs black by using Lawson on the first day and Katam on the following day. But if you want to be healthy and you want your hair to be healthy, you have to compromise, especially if you want to keep using herbal hair dyes. I am now in my 40’s this have a lot of white/gray, that is really significant, especially on the most noticeable areas... on the frame of my face. Do not use lemon juice and use sulfate-free shampoo. And, since prevention is better than cure, I always suggest you to For example, my mother had a case of irritation and sensitization of the skin because she kept her mix on for a long time (even though it wasn't so long, it was enough for her skin!). I’ve been doing henna hair dye now for 13 years, and learned a lot along the way, helping thousands of people get their hair in tip-top shape. Very easy to use and finally grays are covered. © {year} Procter & Gamble. As soon as a little grey comes in time for root only touch ups now. We'd love to hear more! I used to do it overnight all the time, mostly because it's a lot easier than sitting for hours with a heavy head. I have more of a red tone that I am used to but it blends so well and actually looks more natural than the typical chemical dye. I 'd really appreciate if you have some suggestions to make Katam easier to apply. I did two consecutive treatments using a mixture of Lawsonia and Katam to achieve a dark brown color; using less Lawsonia in second round.