If it works, that is. HRT Might Slow Skin Aging: A. Terry is one of the country's leading authorities on the science behind folk remedies. This was found to significantly improve wrinkles and firm the skin, but not to have any positive effects against dryness. Here again, the evidence isn’t strong. Other, more severe signs of aging — such as skin rigidity, deep lines between the bottom corners of the nose and the chin (nasolabial folds), and neck creases — were found to be related to increasing age and cigarette smoking, not to amount of time since menopause.But, even if menopause-related declines in estrogen aren’t the cause of skin problems, women might still want to use the hormone to prevent and minimize wrinkles, dryness, or sagging. Studies show that women’s skin loses about 30% of its collagen during the first five years of menopause. … Available online at: 6. By 2002, some 38% of menopausal and older women in the U.S. were taking — or had taken — some form of HT.Estrogen’s effects on skin are largely believed to result from the hormone’s ability to increase collagen production and water content, two factors that seem to influence skin’s elasticity and moisture.There is little evidence for the theory that menopause and declining hormone levels, rather than age alone, are the cause of women’s wrinkles. Available online at: Researchers have found evidence that the … If you suffer from any of these skin problems and have weight, digestion (constipation or diarrhea), or energy issues (fatigue or feeling overly stimulated), talk with your doctor about thyroid testing. He says my wrinkles don't bother him but i hate it and it's really getting me down. A small clinical trial of 40 peri- and post-menopausal women conducted at the University of Vienna in 2005 examined the effect of applying one gram of two percent topical progesterone cream on the face daily. The treatment was well-tolerated, had a minimal effect on blood levels of progesterone, and had no measurable effect on other hormone levels.So, HT doesn’t improve skin, and there has yet to be enough research on progesterone cream to definitively say that it combats the signs of aging. Here again, the evidence isn’t strong. Other interventions may be beneficial, but lack either sufficient long-term safety data or have possible negative side effects. The results showed no improvement in participants’ self-assessment of coarse and fine facial lines and wrinkles; the investigators’ assessment also found no positive effect on wrinkles, dryness, or sagging.The other trial, conducted by the University of Michigan in 2008, did suggest a benefit from topical estradiol cream. Genetics? Two small trials looked at both oral HT and topical HT to determine estrogen therapy’s effectiveness, with mixed results. The concentration of blood vessels in the dermis also declines around the time of menopause, and reduced vessel concentration is associated with dehydration of the skin. In menopause, skin quickly loses collagen. Well, prevention is a start! Together these changes cause skin wrinkles. One of the more noticeable changes is the loss of your skin's elasticity, characterized by loose, saggy "wattles" and deep wrinkles. That said, possible side effects such as blood clots, gallbladder disease, breast cancer and heart disease should be considered before starting HRT for cosmetic purposes ( US Preventive … Scientific evidence suggests that women lose 30% of their collagen content in the first five menopausal years. An important side effect is melasma, a spotty darkening of the skin, which is often referred to as “the mask of pregnancy” due to its prevalence in pregnant women. Sigma Nursing . But at one time my OB-GYN doctor told me that if I wanted to keep strong bones and look youthful, I should take hormone replacement therapy. Jowls, slack skin, and wrinkles. Menopause brings about a decrease in your body's production of collagen and elastic fibers. Recently iv'e read quite a few articles about HRT and it's benefits. The oral HT trial, conducted by Boston University in 2008, studied the results in 485 women of taking two doses of ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone acetate (a synthetic progesterone) compared to taking a placebo. Replacing the estrogen through HRT can make skin more radiant. She is a Fellow of the Society of Applied Anthropology. As we’ve said before, menopause hormone “replacement” therapy was a triumph of marketing over science. Excessive sun exposure and cigarette smoking alone are probably the biggest factors in premature aging of the skin for both men and women. Menopause hormone therapy (HT) offers probably the biggest example in modern medicine where enthusiasm for a drug’s reputed benefit trumped existing supporting science. The cream stimulated collagen production, but measurable changes were only observed when it was applied to skin that hadn’t been greatly exposed to the sun (namely the inner thigh / hip). The effect was not observed in facial and forearm skin.Another potential (though less well-studied) measure is the use of low-dose, topical progesterone cream.