Preclinical studies have documented its ability to reduce protein, hence collagen, deposition on tissue.Collagen-based products have recently been developed for wrapping around injured nerves.A recent study of a small sample with a short follow-up describes a novel nerve-wrapping technique for the upper extremities using a type I collagen conduit wrap. Hypertrophic scars and keloids are relatively common and important problems encountered in clinical practice. Antoniadis G, Richter HP. Ultrasound Med Biol 2014;40:53-61.26. Transforming growth factor beta 1-induced changes in cell migration, proliferation, and angiogenesis in the chicken chorioallantoic membrane. Neurosurg Clin N Am 2014;25:777-87.31. Such flexibility is enabled by a gliding apparatus around the nerve that provides for elongation during movement. J Hand Surg Br 2002;27:350-3.67. Interventions for recurrent/persistent carpal tunnel syndrome after carpal tunnel release. The hypothenar fat pad flap for management of recalcitrant carpal tunnel syndrome. [12] There are several nonpharmacological methods of treating hypertrophic scars and keloids but they Clin J Pain 2010;26:359-72.57. Gels developed specifically for peripheral nerve-tissue began to be produced in 2000. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 2002;36:172-6.68. Microsurgery 2007;27:2-7.36. The search retrieved twenty-one papers, twenty of which reported pain reduction or resolution with various techniques. Am J Orthop 2009;38:181-6.71. All but one study described complete or satisfactory pain reduction. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 2010;44:12-6.73. Management of chronic pain following nerve injuries/ crps type II. Burns Incl Therm Inj 1985;12:102-8. Brain 1961;84:125-7.4. Mechanism of poly (ethylene glycol) interaction with proteins. Therefore, scars need to be immediately treated and removed. Jones NF. Hypertrophic scar formation is a major clinical problem in the developing and industrialized injuries, and surgical procedures can give rise to exuberant scarring that resaults in permanent functional loss and the stigma of disfigurement. Free anterolateral thigh flap with vascularized lateral femoral cutaneous nerve for the treatment of neuroma-in-continuity and recurrent carpal tunnel syndrome after carpal tunnel release. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that an 8% increase in nerve tension induces a 50% reduction in intraneural blood flow, whereas tension exceeding 15% of the baseline value induces an 80% reduction.Similarly, in the clinical settings formation of a perineural scar for any reason increases the tension on the nerve and may lead to prolonged ischemia. Elongation is enabled by a conjunctiva-like structureClearly, the movement also stretches perineural and intraneural vascular structures, inducing vessel strain and reducing blood flow. Revision decompression and collagen nerve wrap for recurrent and persistent compression neuropathies of the upper extremity. J Mater Sci Mater Med 1996;7:695-8.39. J Gastrointest Surg 2012;16:325-33.40. Prospective clinical study of a new implantable peripheral nerve stimulation device to treat chronic pain. Before trying the options of surgery, therapies or other methods, trying theLast but not least, eating healthy diet for skin will be a great and recommended thing. Becker C, Gilbert A. Seeking for hypertrophic scar natural treatment or the other treatment option becomes a natural thing to be done.Identifying this kind of scar is easy. So, patience will be needed.In order for a wound to heal, it has to be balance … Road rash is an abrasion that occurs on a person’s … Canker sore may occur at almost any time. Hand (N Y) 2012;7:23-9.45. Kuhn MA, Moffit MR, Smith PD, Lyle WG, Ko F, Meltzer DD,