Along with this, the cream also apparently reduces the size and obvious appearance of the cold sore. Copyright © 2018 by RxList Inc. RxList does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. But now we’ve looked at both Abreva and Orajel, we can consider whether there’s anything better than either.After looking extensively at the reviews and product descriptions available online, we’ve come to our conclusion. Some customers seem to be happiest about being able to eat again, and others recommend it for parents.One happy customer laments the fact that they never found Abreva when they were younger and suffered breakout after breakout. Of course, you may prefer to The medication itself is a cream with a greenish tint, which comes in a tube. These range from allergic reactions to the drug, which can cause hives and dizziness, acne, burning, and diarrhea. Many of the positive reviews specify that the customer received the product for free as an incentive. These ingredients are Allantoin, Dimethicone, and White petrolatum are all skin protectants and make up over 65% of the Orajel product. Herpes simplex requires Arginine – yet another essential and common amino acid – to reproduce. As for why the light would do that, we aren’t sure.The Virulite has been sold in Europe for over a decade and is an exceptionally popular product. Nevertheless, these side effects are less common and less severe than you can encounter with other treatments.Abreva isn’t perfect, but the reviews do indicate that it does what it says it does. How to use Diclofenac Sodium Gel Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents (NSAID), Topical. best results, remove any cosmetics prior to applying ABREVA.You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. You no longer have to go to the pharmacy for the best treatment for cold sores on the Today, we’re going to take a look at two of the best cold sore creams: Both have great reviews, and both are about the same price – so what’s to choose between them? Even so, a large number of reviews on Orajel’s website is particularly convincing.One of the biggest plus points are the Orajel cold sore 6 active ingredients, five more than Abreva. Among those who take Lysine on a daily basis, they generally seem sure that it prevents outbreaks. Read the Medication Guide and Patient Instructions for Use provided by your pharmacist before you start using diclofenac and each time you get a … But it’s also crucial for building muscle mass and producing both antibodies and hormones.L-Lysine is also available in supplement form, which is why we’re talking about it here. Copyright 2018 ColdSoresCured is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.Abreva vs. Orajel: Which is the Best Cold Sore Treatment? We like them because they’re ‘outside the box’- they aren’t traditional ointments like other treatments. This may indicate that some of the reviews are not genuine opinions.Abreva’s reviews, too, were littered with people who begin their reviews by saying: ‘I received this product for free so that I could give an honest review.’ It would be nice to believe so, but it’s not necessarily very convincing! It comes in the form of a smooth, odorless white cream, which dries clear. Just before and during an outbreak, the cold sore A blister, or cluster of blisters around your mouth, is caused by the cold sore virus. We like that they’ve thought about protecting the skin, and soothing the pain with both anesthetics and analgesics.Orajel’s Moisturelock Cold Sore Treatment’s six active ingredients supposedly treat six symptoms of cold sores. Some also complain that Abreva is overpriced, especially compared to other Abreva, or more specifically Docosanol, does have some limited side effects.