You can add peppermint essential oil to the mix, but the coconut oil/shea butter will not become “less heavy” by adding the essential oil.I M using combo of peppermint oil & jojoba on scalp for hairlossYou don’t have to wash the scalp after applying it, but then the scalp and hair would be very greasy.Have any of the people commenting on this blog reported good results using the peppermint oil to regrow or thicken their hair? There are several natural ways to encourage hair growth (read about them African American hair is different. But I hope this helps just keep in mind you want to stimulate the area and then you want to have the oil penetrate your skin for its maximum benefit. This MNT Knowledge Center article looks at the use of peppermint oil for hair growth, how it works, and potential side effects. I wondered why the instructions don’t specify this especially if this treatment is meant for a ‘daily massage’?I’m not sure if I understand the question correctly, but I assume that you don’t shampoo your hair on a daily basis, so you don’t want to stay with greasy hair until the next rinse. The best essential oil for hair growth is Jojoba oil aka Simmondsia Chinensis seed oil. Therefore preventing good absorption and healthy hair.Essential oils don’t help in the absorption of coconut oil/shea butter. Using the stuff safely means keeping these two keys in mind:Finally, keep in mind that for some people, even properly diluted peppermint oil can cause a skin rash or irritation.If you’re not sure how peppermint oil might affect your scalp, it’s worth doing a patch test first and seeing how your skin reacts before slathering the stuff all over your head. I am so very grateful.H JULS give me feedback about this oil. Wonder what kind of side effects they had to ingesting it?peppermint oil absorbs through the skin. I sometimes add a little Jojoba oil. But the result is unbelievable! However, jojoba oil is not yet known to stimulate hair growth or prevent hair loss. Some, like But before you start dousing yourself, there’s some stuff you should know. I can already notice results in less than a month. I have found a product that contains peppermint oil and castor oil. can they effect on your hair and new growth of hairYes I have tried this I had some alopecia and peppermint oil helped grow back those spots without effective is this on humans? Opt for lavender oil for thicker, fuller hair and anti-inflammatory effects. The findings don’t necessarily guarantee peppermint oil will give you a rich, lustrous mane.However, since peppermint essential oil is generally considered safe when used correctly (more on that in a minute), there’s no real downside to giving it a try.The most important thing to keep in mind when using peppermint essential oil — or any essential oil — is that the stuff is highly concentrated. I don’t have dandruff. Conditioner seems to help wash the extra oil off my hair.It’s worth noting for future use that according to When I was researching about Minoxidil, I ran into some studies that observed cardiac enlargement to some of the subjects. I’m also planning to use the peppermint oil more often. That’s thanks to menthol, the compound that gives peppermint … after 30 minutes there is no longer any shiny or oily sheen to the skin, it’s all absorbed. What I do and find that it works really well is I buy those little disposable eyelash brushes, and you can use organic castor oil or I hear that the 100% pure and (organic for best results) Black Jamaican castor oil is even better but have a huge bottle of castor oil so until that is gone im not buying it. If you decide to try it anyway, you’ll want to make sure you’re doing it safely to avoid potentially injuring your scalp.Here’s what you should know about how peppermint oil might give your hair or scalp a boost, plus the best way to apply it.Some proponents claim that peppermint essential oil can stimulate hair growth and fight hair loss. I found the original research for peppermint oil on the NIH website 2 years ago. HAIR LOSS happens during the telogen phase in the hair cycle. Too concentrated, in fact, to apply by itself. That is on top of arrhythmia. Finasteride worked really good for me for close to three years with no side effects then I’ve stopped.