A 32-year-old male asked: ... Exhale completely, then breathe in at the same time you press the inhaler to deliver a dose of medication. ( Pathologist and Microbiologist) Is the same dose okay for a child of 1 year 8/9 months? ).Some health conditions may make you more susceptible to the side-effects of the drug. He never had frequent sickness. It is asteroid. ), allergies, pre-existing diseases, and current health conditions (e.g. A 37-year-old female asked: My 3 1/2 yr old uses albuterol and budesonide in nebulizer 2x a day to treat cough and congestion due to allergies. Some additional length of tubing is also r ... Read More. sir can I use duolin respules 2.5 ml for nebulaisation to my 3 year old child is there any side effects MD Yes you can use it, if prescribed , safe in recommended doses , some tremor of hands may occur. Reply . Thanks and welcome to healthcare magic. Some amount of wheezing (not too much) is detected too on some occasions. ( General & Family Physician) The maximal plasma concentration, occurring approximately 20 min after start of nebulisation is approximately 2.4 nmol/L in 4 - 6 years old asthmatic children after a 1 mg dose. ( General & Family Physician) 0 comment. Most of the time it results in fever. After that he was with my parents for 2 years. Why is measles vaccine given to children at 9 months of age?Donate Blood And Save A Life: Who Can Donate Blood?A Guide To Cataract: Causes, Symptoms And Risk FactorsWe have a son who is 1 year and 8 months old. He was very healthy until he was with my parents. Use of this site is subject to our Jayalekshmy on April 17, 2017 12 ... Mam my son is 4 years old … From past few months he is getting cough and cold every now and then. flohale and yes can take , dont worry , thanks Copyright 2020 © healthcaremagic.com. ( General & Family Physician) Hi, 2. Doctor suggested for nebulizer but by mistake my child swallowed the medicine given for it (levolin 0.31mg) respules..Can it hard in any way.. My son is 4 years old. You should always speak with your doctor before you follow anything that you read on this website. ( General & Family Physician) My new doctor says this It is been one year that he is back to Bangalore and staying with us now. Is it safe to keep using often. Less than 4 years: Not approved 4 years or older:-2 inhalations (90 mcg) orally every 4 to 6 hours or-1 inhalation (45 mcg) orally every 4 hours Inhalation Solution: Less than 6 years old: Not approved 6 to 11 years:-Recommended dose: 0.31 mg inhaled orally by nebulization three times a day-Maximum dose: 0.63 mg inhaled orally three times a day Is it safe for a 1.8 year old child? sir can I use duolin respules 2.5 ml for nebulaisation to my 3 year old child is there any side effects MD Yes you can use it, if prescribed , safe in recommended doses , some tremor of hands may occur. Any health question asked on this site will be visible to the people who browse this site. I fed him with my milk till he was 7 months old. Hence, the user assumes the responsibility not to divulge any personally identifiable information in the question. Get your health question answered instantly from our pool of 18000+ doctors from over 80 specialties All rights reserved. //ajax success content here. vitamins, herbal supplements, etc. Yes you can use it, if prescribed , safe in recommended doses , some tremor of hands may occur.