It mostly affects the pre-pubertal and postmenopausal women.Diagnosis of lichen sclerosus is made on the basis of thorough history and physical examination. MMF= mometasone furoate 0.1% ; TF= foam based on TiabMoreover we observed a significant reduction of signs related to LS in both groups (Table 3). Women commonly present with severe vulvar itch and an urge to scratch the skin. It is generally advised to use these creams under the guidance of a medical practitioner only, due to the side effects they produce when used for a prolonged period of time.The other treatment options for lichen sclerosus include cryotherapy of the affected genital lesions; narrow band UVB, psoralen plus UVA (PUVA), and photodynamic therapy using a photosensitizer with laser light activation have been beneficial in many cases where other methods have failed.The etiology of lichen sclerosus is not known, but it thought to be an autoimmune disorder that is genetically inclined where the body’s defense mechanism attacks its own skin cells. If a certain cream is not working for you then you can consult your doctor and another medicine can be prescribed. Clin Obstet Gynecol Reprod Med 3: DOI: 10.15761/COGRM.1000203V. Significance is taken at p < .05. . Of these women, 21 were treated with the topical application of MMF + moisturizing cream and 22 were treated with the topical application of MMF + TF.The patients’ demographic characteristics were comparable in the 2 groups in regards to age, disease duration before diagnosis, and symptoms score (Table 1). For lack of sufficient long-term studies there are still concerns about the long-term safety of topical corticosteroids. MMF= mometasone furoate 0.1% ; TF= foam based on TiabThe goals of treatment for LS are to alleviate a woman’s symptoms, prevent disease progression and scarring, provide long-term surveillance, and prevent development vulvar cancer. These ointments are readily available over the counter even without prescription. Most notably, in the present study, the TF treatment with a lower duration of time of MMF regimens did not differ significantly in any of the assessed efficacy end points with a long lasting MMF treatment.For lack of sufficient long-term studies there are still concerns about the long-term safety of topical corticosteroids. The appearance of the vulva skin depends on the degree of disease progression. Our premise is that TF can acts not only as a moisturizing agent, but it may has a synergistic action with the topical steroid in promoting wound healing and restoration of the protective film skin altered in patients with LS, it aimed to reduce corticosteroid exposure time with a collateral improvement in patient compliance.In this open-label, randomized controlled prospective study, women of 18 years or older with biopsy-proven LS who had the ability to sign written informed consent, willingness to comply with the study requirements, were recruited.The following characteristics were recorded for all patients: historical features: age, ethnicity, menopausal status (premenopausal, postmenopausal without hormone therapy, or postmenopausal with hormone therapy), duration of symptoms, and previous treatment.At t = 0 subjective evaluations of itching, burning, and dyspareunia, the latter of which was evaluated only when applicable, were obtained by using a 0 to 3 score (0 = absent, 1 = mild, 2 = strong, 3 = severe). For lichen sclerosus treatment, your doctor will probably give you a steroid cream to put on the problem area. LS can develop into widespread scarring and superficial ulcers. The cause of disease is still under investigation. This article may contains scientific references. They were obtained by using a 0 to 3 score determined through the following characteristics: 0= Flat white lesions (<30% of vulvar surface), 1= Flat and/or raised white/red lesions (>30<50% of vulvar surface), 2= Flat and/or raised white/red lesions (>30<50% of vulvar surface) plus erosions and/or fissures and3= Flat and/or raised white/red lesions (>50% of vulvar surface) plus erosions and/or fissures. Background:Vulvar lichen sclerosus (LS) is an immune-mediated disease of unknown etiology causing itch, burning, and plaques with overlying excoriation and linear fissures. MMF= mometasone furoate 0.1% ; TF= foam based on TiabData are presented as mean value ± standard deviation. Providing cutting-edge scholarly communications to worldwide, enabling them to utilize available resources effectivelyWe aim to bring about a change in modern scholarly communications through the effective use of editorial and publishing polices.OA Textâs journals are led by prominent researchers, each embracing the concept that basic knowledge can foster sustainable solutions for society.Advanced knowledge sharing through global communityâ¦Lower Genital Tract Disease Unit, V. Buzzi HospitalâUniversity of Milan, Milan, ItalyLower Genital Tract Disease Unit, V. Buzzi HospitalâUniversity of Milan, Milan, ItalyLower Genital Tract Disease Unit, V. Buzzi HospitalâUniversity of Milan, Milan, ItalyLower Genital Tract Disease Unit, V. Buzzi HospitalâUniversity of Milan, Milan, Italyvulvar dermatosis, lichen sclerosus, vulvar itching, moisturizerLichen sclerosus (LS) is a chronic, progressive, inflammatory skin condition found most often in the anogenital region. Most women will improve with treatment. However, the right strength and the part of the skin to be treated should be kept in mind with steroids topical application.