There, in a glorious rainbow of colours, was a selection of round little flat things that either looked like squashed gummy pool balls or miniature dead jellyfish.Foodie curiosity got the better of me, so I popped into the store where a man at a counter of refrigerated glass cases was selling the strange treats.I asked him a question or two, but we didn’t get very far. *The contents of this site belong to Japan Info, and are protected by copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual or property rights. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, or otherwise used.In a country with a large snacking culture where sweet things are king, there are a variety of chocolatey treats to choose from when you need something sugary. The sticky, stretchy mochi shell — not solid, despite the freezing temperature — pulls away from the ice cream inside as you try to bite off a piece of it. BRR Logistics is the premier service provider and distributor for all your frozen distribution and warehouse needs. doesn’t exist), but I picked up words like red bean, rice, and cream. Our little treats are created by wrapping bite-sized balls of artisan gelato ice cream in a layer of soft, chewy mochi. Find your favourite flavour of Yukimi Daifuku!※当サイトは権利侵害を行わないよう万全を期しておりますが、万が一当サイトの記事や画像に関し被害申告等をなさりたい場合は、以下のメールアドレスからご連絡いただければ幸いです。 Discover great restaurants, amazing places and unique culture! In The Past Fish and pancakes may…Japan, the land of strange and amazing snacks, has once again exceeded my expectations. The name of the sweet refers to a winter activity in Japan called ‘Yukimi’, which means to watch the falling snow. YUKIMI is a mochi (rice cake) with soft texture consisting delicious ice-cream. One more thing: mochi has been modernized, so it comes in many different flavors and is even available as ice cream! I was born and raised in Las Vegas NV. We are a family of mochi makers on a mission to bring the delight of Japan's best kept secret to the rest of the world. I’m not big on the whole green-tea flavour trend, so this isn’t my bag. It is supposed that all Japanese must have eaten Yukimi-Daifuku which is very unique shapes and material. Soft and sweet, it’s one combo that you won’t wanna miss out on. Let’s learn more about them! Is soft outside and nice vanilla ice-cream inside. Apparently there is a third kind (which I have never seen) which is a box of three pieces in three different flavours.As for flavours, the standard vanilla flavour is probably the most popular. There are three flavours in the box: His English wasn’t very good, and my Japanese was even worse (ie. Dear Ice-cream lovers, Again I introduce LOTTE’s epoch-making ice-cream, Yukimi-Daifuku. Find your favorite flavor and where to buy! Then, the invention of combining ice cream fillings into mochi is an idea that is ingenious. His work has appeared in newspapers across the country, including the National Post, the Edmonton Journal and the Calgary Herald, as well as in local and national magazines, on the web and on CBC Radio. Is a simple ice cream mochi in a box of 2 pieces. MorningLattes | Jul 23, 2015 12:58 PM 5. When Lotte first produced this in 1980, the ice cream was covered in marshmallow which didn’t work well as the marshmallow remained hard. As the name would not suggest, this snack is a pancake-like snack with a sweet filling. The famous food company Lotte created Yukimi Daifuku in early 1980. For months I suspiciously eyed these strange packages in the convenience stores and supermarkets, certain that the sandwich within would be a complete let down. I took a bite … it was utterly bizarre, but entirely good.Near as I can tell from the research I’ve done, mochi is a chewy, stretchy rice paste made by pounding the bejesus out of a particularly glutinous type of rice.