During a short period of high malaria transmission, mortality and morbidity are high in children under age 5 years. You can also search for this author in The written informed consent was obtained from each patient or the guardian. Slow clearance of Añez A, Moscoso M, Garnica C, Ascaso C. Evaluation of the paediatric dose of chloroquine in the treatment of Ursing J, Eksborg S, Rombo L, Bergqvist Y, Blessborn D, Amabelia Rodrigues A, et al. World malaria report 2018. Unit-dose packaging of drugs for treating malaria. You can also search for this author in Plasma chloroquine concentrations ranged from 107 to 420 ng/ml, and the median values increased significantly with age (H = 22.8; Plasma concentrations of chloroquine and desethylchloroquineAccurate dosing contributes to the therapeutic efficacy of anti-malarial drugs, and children constitute a group at risk for suboptimal dosing, since organ maturation, body composition, and the ontogeny of drug elimination pathway affect the disposition of these drugs [In the current study, subdosing of chloroquine was assessed by both the dose administered, calculated in mg/kg, and by the difference between the required or optimal dose and the administered dose based on BSA. 3rd ed. Following collection, the samples were centrifuged at 3000×The concentrations of chloroquine and desethylchloroquine were measured using a reversed-phase HPLC system with fluorescence detection (Flexar, Perkin Elmer ™, Shelton, MA US) after liquid–liquid extraction as described by Alvan et al. JLFV: supervised data collection, data analysis and production of the manuscript. Part of Siqueira AM, Coutinho LI, Gurgel RL, Su WCS, Carvalho LM, Benzecry SG, et al. Moreover, there was an elevated proportion of patients receiving a suboptimal dose of the drug (< 25 mg/kg), which ranges from 27.5 to 60.5% in the age groups investigated, with the highest proportion in children aged 2–3 years old, which corroborates reports of the high risk of under dosing in young children [The highest total dose of chloroquine administered was 38.1 mg/kg. What is the right dose for children? Clin Pharmacokinet. Br J Clin Pharmacol. Treatment. You can also search for this author in A drug that can stop people getting recurrent bouts of malaria has been approved by regulators in the United States. Search Background: In the Sahel and sub-Sahelian regions of Africa, malaria transmission is highly seasonal. Such a discrepancy is due to the shortcomings of BSA calculation in young children and neonates, in which dose adjustment based on body weight is preferable. A serious toxic effect in patients receiving such a high chloroquine dose is improbable, because previous studies have shown the safe use of chloroquine doses of 50 mg/kg in African children with The suboptimal dose of chloroquine was also assessed by the difference between the required and the administered dose of the drug based on BSA, which is considered the better index to dose normalization in children, since BSA consider the variation in age, body size and body composition [However, in children aged 2–3 years old, the BSA-based dose regimen demonstrated adequate dosing of chloroquine, which disagrees with the obtained results of doses estimated in mg/kg in this age group with the highest proportion of under dosing. It is committed not to provide information about the patient to any person unrelated to the study.The authors declare that they have no competing interests.Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.de Sena, L.W.P., Mello, A.G.N.C., Ferreira, M.V.D. Only male patients were included in the study in order to avoid potential influence of differences between genders related to physical growth and sexual maturation especially in older children and adolescents [In Brazil, the official guidelines for the treatment of malaria for children and adolescents below 15 years of age recommend a dose regimen of chloroquine based on age, or preferably on body weight [In fact, when the aged-based total dose of chloroquine was transformed to milligrams of drug per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg), there was a normal distribution of the data demonstrating a high variation in chloroquine doses.