When and how do I take methotrexate? Does methotrexate increase the risk of cervical cancer? This injection can be given by a health professional, but often you’ll be shown how to do the injection yourself using a syringe or an injector pen. Therefore, it's best to avoid unpasteurised milk and soft cheeses.It is also best to avoid having too much caffeine (contained in coffee, tea, some soft drinks and chocolate). This is often called a "maintenance" dose.If your child is prescribed methotrexate, the doctor will use their height and weight to work out the right dose.Swallow the tablets whole with a drink of water. U�_�\���x4|Mf��&iҽ�j� !� They will tell you if you need to stop treatment until these symptoms get better.For inflammatory conditions such as psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease, the dose will vary. endobj <> stream Wash your hands after touching the tablets.Your doctor will tell you how many tablets to take each time. endobj 5 0 obj Methotrexate is available on prescription only. However, methotrexate may reduce your ability to fight infection. It can stop your medicine from working properly.When you first start treatment, you'll have a check-up and blood tests every 1 to 2 weeks. This can make you more likely to get an infection.It's important to reduce your risk of getting an infection. ��s~y�Ր��� � <>

Methotrexate is a type of medicine called an immunosuppressant. x�������}'��W��_W���*�%]϶�g�j�qI�Mb0%h�Z{X{�(f��6M\Z�&�U��%č���0��%��¶i7�1(H��6������{�;�����w��|y����9������[i����������k��x��Ƿ�x��:u��WO�����;{��}鿳�;�n�v�}f�p��>�{�g?u�g�y�ѓ����߻�op�(v�r����7�o��M�f����sӭ���8 ��ᎂ���u��W�����͛���{���Bo_Þ�����\w]A�K6���\}�~��}����>}�9$�ů������o�j�?��Ժ�7� Your specialist doctor may recommend injections if the tablets or liquid are not working for you. x��ZYo�H~7��Џ����� ^8N��b��N���dZbKꘇ��폚߸U�MQ�Բ� �)v��թ��׭Z�y�noo��V�W2c�n����7O����"����ʛ�ݬŏ�.E&�;������5f����ˋ$p�����sp'Y�&N��yqyq�K���7��~��ǘ�N�bΝd�Jb��{�O=�q������M�� ��܁p�eK8���d.�xy�m¦���\^|x"�@�}� This is to check if the methotrexate is working and if it's causing any side effects.Your doctor may increase or decrease your methotrexate dose, depending on the results of your tests.It's important to record how much methotrexate you take and the results of your blood tests. The tablets should be … These include medicines, other types of therapy and even surgery.Your doctor will be able to recommend the best treatment for you, based on your condition and your symptoms.It's usually OK to drink alcohol if you take a low weekly dose of methotrexate (25mg or less) for the long-term treatment of an inflammatory condition.If you are taking high doses of methotrexate, ask your doctor for advice about drinking alcohol.There are no specific foods that you need to avoid while taking methotrexate. Look on the pill packet to find out what to do.Methotrexate is not recommended in pregnancy or while trying for a baby.This medicine can stay in a woman's body for 6 months after they stop taking it.For men, there is a risk that methotrexate can damage sperm. Are there foods and drinks I should avoid? Your GP will also decide where you'll go for blood tests and how often.Once this is agreed, and if your blood results are OK, your GP will usually give you one month's supply of methotrexate at a time (or 4 doses).Methotrexate may lower the number of white cells in your blood. What happens if I forget to take my tablets? It is important to take methotrexate on the same day each week. You'll usually get a booklet for this.Once you and your doctor have found the right dose and your treatment is working well, you'll have a check-up and blood tests every 2 to 3 months.If you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as you remember the next day or the day after.If your dose is more than 2 days late, contact your doctor or the clinic for advice about what to do.Never take 2 doses together to make up for a missed dose.Taking too much methotrexate by accident can cause serious side effects.If you need advice for a child under the age of 5 years, call 111.If you need to go to A&E, do not drive yourself.

It can also be given as an injection …