Please help coz the night sweats become unbearable sometimes.Linda – as you will have from the article it is best to reduce gradually as you have been doing and you do also need to rebalance your hormones with bioidentical natural progesterone. Many thanks for your assistance, it is much appreciated. Firstly I had the Premique cycle but then went onto the above (no bleed). Is the right thing to do?? On pill aged 20 yrs for 4 yrs. I want to wean off it, I will take advice from my gp, but as he knows nothing about (or says he doesn’t) bio identical cream, serenity or 20-1 cream. In case it helps, symptoms range from dry eyes, skin and vagina (latter better recently), feeling the cold even more than usual, non existent libido for as long as I can remember, blood sugar dizziness, fatigue, disturbed sleep (could be abdominal pain), joint/muscle pain, memory loss, hot hands and feet when I wake early. I am inclined to stop it immediately and revert to the Climagest, as I am going on holiday in 3 weeks and will look horrible in a bikini. All the usual menopause symptoms have come back much to my surprise! I made it through the game even though I didn’t believe I would. It is a tough weight…it is holding on for dear life. All rights reserved. The doctors say I don’t need progesterone since I have no ovary. Ideally you would replace the progestogen with the progesterone cream (Serenity) at the start, leaving you to gradually reduce the estrogen component over time according to the degree of withdrawal symptoms you may experience. Your help would be very much appreciated.You can certainly balance with Serenity bioidentical progesterone cream or switch to 20-1 which combines progesterone with two natural oestrogens. He has not had this one and will most certainly refuse it when asking for something different.Life is so much more difficult once they start messing with your body chemistry, playing god. Can you advise should I use this with tablets while weaning off hrt? Although I do not believe our Dr thinks that is what she is doing. All rights reserved. Now i am 46 years old. Also your ‘withdrawal phase’ tendency to severe symptoms such as hot flashes would lessen with time as you gradually decrease the dosage of estrogen.Thank you for your reply. Also research ‘estrogen dominance.’ You have come this far…keep doing the research. it caused extreme fatigue, joint pains stiffness and messed up my thyroid and adrenals so badly I suffered constant hair shedding , droopy eyelids double bags under eyes,and low body temperature. Since the Women’s Health Initiative study ending in 2002, there has been an increasing number of studies confirming that bio-identical hormones are safer than, and superior to, their synthetic counterparts.The important aspect of this is not so much the oestrogen component, as ‘synthetic’ versions of this are not dissimilar to the body’s own 17beta estradiol, but in the progestin components, which are different in their molecular structure to bioidentical progesterone.I have found that women respond better to the bioidentical form, with far fewer side effects. Along with that came a T2 diagnosis.Looking back, I know I was already T2 well before the diagnosis or the medicine change. I did have an Angina attack and worsening of A-fib when one GP asked me to reduce them far too quickly! I guess that it is assumed that women don’t like getting a period! Which cream would you recommend for me to normalise my hormones and weight and what protocol would I follow with that?Jennifer we cannot comment on whether you would benefit from going back to HRT but Dr Jeffrey DAch of the USA recommends that a combination cream such as 20-1 is helpful for anxiety and depression – his article may be of interest:Hi i was put on HRT at age 34 years old after mass abscesses that actually almost killed me was very lucky indeed. Should I wait for a month or two or can I start it almost straight away to replace slowly what I will be missing when I stop HRT completely.