There is no evidence to suggest that dosage requirements are different in otherwise healthy elderly patients. To view updated drug label links, paste the RSS feed address (URL) shown below into a RSS reader, or use a browser which supports RSS feeds, such as Safari for Mac OS X.If you no longer wish to have this DailyMed RSS service, simply delete the copied URL from your RSS Reader. In patients with severe intolerance, discontinue metoprolol tartrate tablets (see Start patients with contraindications to treatment during the early phase of suspected or definite myocardial infarction, patients who appear not to tolerate the full early treatment, and patients in whom the physician wishes to delay therapy for any other reason on metoprolol tartrate tablets, 100 mg twice daily, as soon as their clinical condition allows. In addition, hypertension and arrhythmias may develop. If the physician asks the patient to take metoprolol tartrate tablets either before breakfast or with breakfast, then the patient should continue taking metoprolol tartrate tablets with the same schedule during the course of therapy. Mental confusion and short-term memory loss have been reported. Generally, 95% of an oral dose is found in the urine. 55154-5512-0 Patients with hepatic or renal insufficiency may need a lower dosage, and metoprolol is contraindicated in patients with hepatic or renal disease/failure (see section 4.3). • Sick sinus syndrome(unless a pacemaker is in situ). Although metoprolol has proved safe in a large number of asthmatic patients, it is advisable to exercise care in the treatment of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. If concomitant digoxin treatment is taking place, it must be borne in mind that both medicinal products slow AV conduction and that there is therefore a risk of AV dissociation. Embryotoxicity and/or fetotoxicity in rats and rabbits were noted starting at doses of 50 mg/kg in rats and 25 mg/kg in rabbits, as demonstrated by increases in preimplantation loss, decreases in the number of viable fetuses per dose, and/or decreases in neonatal survival. Dosages above 450 mg per day have not been studied. In refractory cases isoprenaline can be combined with dopamine. Should therapy with metoprolol be employed, special attention should be paid to the foetus, neonate and breast fed infant for any undesirable effects such as slowing of the heart rate. Patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose galactose mal-absorption should not take this medicine.Dry eyes either alone or, occasionally, with skin rashes has occurred. It is slightly bound to plasma protein. The patient may be protected against vagal reactions by intravenous administration of atropine. 40 Aluminum Lake and the 100 mg product contains FD&C Blue No. Intrauterine growth retardation has been observed after longtime treatment of pregnant women with mild to moderate hypertension. High doses were associated with some maternal toxicity, and growth delay of the offspring Upon confirming the diagnosis of pregnancy, women should immediately inform their doctor. Discontinuation of the drug should be considered if any such reaction is not otherwise explicable. Patients should be warned against interruption or discontinuation of therapy without the physician’s advice. Only 5% of the dose is excreted unmodified via the kidneys; in isolated cases, this figure can reach as high as 30%. In most subjects (extensive metabolizers), less than 5% of an oral dose and less than 10% of an intravenous dose are excreted as unchanged drug in the urine. 0.3 litres/minute and AUC values that were 6 times higher than those found in healthy persons.Intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (ISA) may be a disadvantage for the patient with severe angina pectoris. They may be used alone or in combination with other antihypertensive agents.Metoprolol tartrate tablets are indicated in the long-term treatment of angina pectoris.Metoprolol tartrate tablets are indicated in the treatment of hemodynamically stable patients with definite or suspected acute myocardial infarction to reduce cardiovascular mortality when used alone or in conjunction with intravenous metoprolol.