Although it's helping my anxiety a bit, it's doing nothing for my mood swings. Although there was kind of evidence on the use of mood stabilizers in the treatment of BPD patients [9, 23], more recent findings oppose these former recommendations . She sees things (and people) in black and white; she will love someone one minute and rage at then another; she has an overreactive nervous system (easily startled); she seems to have REALLY intense negative emotions and anxiety -- mostly anger though. My psych said it's like 1 in 1000 chance though.Lamictal (lamotrigine) really works. I can always frame it as "I know you have to deal with so much shit from family" (she THINKS she does), "here's something that might help keep you sane with them" and say I've tried it (I probably should -- it sounds helpful).I'm not sure which meds she's tried other than lamictal and clonazepam but I'd be interested in seeing the presentation. Hey guys! Your environment is also very critical to your sanity.I can’t speak to the sensitive side of me as I no longer really care about much, (although I managed to preserve my great sense of humor so cool I guess). She has on quickly -- the divorce from the first hubby was just settled a few months ago.This is like watching a teenager get married (except she's in her 60s). DBT helped her learn skills for rudimentary social interactions but it's only a surface fix.The only thing that helps her enormously is cannabis. I appreciate it.I don't think GP's can prescribe mood stabilizers . I'm not officially diagnosed with BPD, but I've been told by several professionals that I have many traits of BPD. Don’t know if this is due to the medication or my disorder. I was just also started on lithium but that is more for my bipolar. I’ve been diagnosed with BPD but before I was properly diagnosed my GP had me on anti depressants, and I’m not dissing them, but anti depressants have just took away the depression part where I’m almost non-empathic, but I’ll feel euphoria and rage as my two main emotions.. It does seem like benzos calm her down a bit and help her anxiety, but other than that I don't think she's taken anything that works.She goes to therapy but I'm not sure it's effective since her therapist doesn't hear how bad she is from the rest of the family (we live a few hours away). Mood stabilizers are medicines that treat and prevent highs (mania) and lows (depression). BPD being borderline personality disorder that is. Speaking from experience, I would probably go through three main emotions, (elation, anger, and sadness), on almost a daily basis but now that I’ve incorporate the stabilizer into my routine the episodes of sadness are much shorter and happen more like twice a week. :/ However, she might fair better on it than I did and not have to overcome the stigma of being on an anti-psychotic. Tbh, I don’t think the mood stabilizer is meant to take away your sad episodes but make them occur less frequently. I feel like my over jealousy with my boyfriend and mistrust with no valid reason is a symptom of BPD. If it is possible maybe see if you can get in to see a psychiatrist. My sister has severe BPD and has been seeing an MD with a PhD in pharmacology for almost 20 years but he has never found a medication that helped her significantly. I'm sympathetic to the fact that she has such intense, unpleasant emotions, but I'm also mad she takes it out on others. The rash side effect did scare me a bit. BPD is characterized by extreme shifts in mood and behavior. Hey guys, after two years being mostly maniac with really short periods of depression i just thought i should see a psychiatrist. Bipolar Disorder is completely different from Borderline Personality Disorder. Meds don't do much for BPD. She is very smart and can be high functioning (so I'm not sure if the new fiance is aware of the problems ahead), but most of her relationships eventually turn into a nightmare. It can be prescribed alone or along with other medications that treat bipolar disorder. Those questions should be directed to r/AskPsychiatry.Press J to jump to the feed. I'd like to see a psychiatrist to get me on some meds. I'll definitely check out her books.There are no medications I know of. that has a lot of experience until I find the right medication for me.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA place for those who have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) (also known as EUPD [Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder])--, their family members and friends, and anyone else who is interested in learning more about the disorder.Press J to jump to the feed. Different meds help manage the symptoms of BPD. He thought he was all better and stopped taking it. I was thinking about trying Lamotrigine. I'll tell her I benefited from it so it will sound more like "This is awesome you should try it" not "You have a problem and need help". It's really different for everyone.