Did you know that there are two distinct types of mummies? Jerusalem marks the origin point of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Snelling says that it is very unlikely for it to have landed there, considering that Mount Ararat formed years after the flood.Early theologians like Origen and Augustine are believed to have a clearer idea of what Noah’s Ark may have looked like.Catholic Theologian, Alfonso Tostada wrote an account in the 15th century describing every single detail about the ark, and a  century later, French mathematician, Johannes Buteo aimed to lay out the ark’s dimensions, which many contemporary scholars subscribed to.Out of all the Mesopotamian flood stories, yes, there are a few, the one that stands out the most is the oldest one coined the Sumerian Flood Story that dates back to 1600 BCE.The hero of this version is King Ziusudra, who builds a boat and tries to save the innocent after the gods decide to destroy the world, as you see, there's a strong resemblance to the story of Noah.Many wonder not only how, but why did these miraculous stories in the Bible take place?Philosophical questions of these biblical events have been hypothesized over the centuries, like why was the universe created? To become an emperor meant that you had the most dangerous job in the world. This led to many altercations with Ramses II. Vikings never wrote about their history most of what we know about Viking customs, raids and culture are from documents that their enemies wrote about them. There's a legend that claims a woman was once a pope. Over 100 scientists and researchers came together to combine their knowledge of the ark hoping to find an answer together.One of the most confusing conundrums about the biblical story is working out when exactly did it occur in the earth's timeline.Considering that it supposedly happened around the time of the Ice Age. The Maya Empire was one of the most successful civilizations of Mesoamerica, reaching the peak of its influence and power in the 6th century AD. Students didn't have notebooks, nor ballpoint pens for writing down lecture notes. A large part of what.. The first discovery of the city of Pompeii was made purely by accident. For instance, a statue of a kneeling bull (constructed in 3,000 BCE) was completely made of metal, and a statue of a goat made in 2,500 BCE was comprised of gold and copper. Gaia then created the Mountains, the Sea, and the Sky. Hippocratic doctors used to say that Greek women’s wombs.. One popular form of public torture involved placing the criminal in a cage and leaving them to starve to death. It was said to be the size of a large dog, similar to that of a German Shepherd. Snelling, who we've mentioned previously said that the biblical reference to the ‘mountains of Ararat’ suggests that the mountains formed well before the Flood ended.The Flood would have been a global catastrophe that would have totally reshaped the earth’s geology and has continued to change over the course of time.Dr. Zeus was known to transform into animals to pursue women; he even shapeshifted into inanimate objects, such as a rain of gold to seduce Danae. Sea creatures like jellyfish, sharks, and fish survived, as well as birds, scorpions, crocodiles, turtles, and lizards. However, their culture had a lasting impact on the dynasties that followed. It was made by Caliph Abd Al-Malik and is the oldest surviving Islamic building. Even if you've never picked up a bible in your life, chances are, that you have a least heard of the tale. The Olympics have always been an event held every four years, even during ancient times. While many of us see Zeus as a symbol of greatness, his lust made him resort to some pretty crazy actions to sate his desires. It has since been classed as one of the most renowned pieces of Egyptian architecture.