aaanyways. may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. Very dehydrated. Bowel movements had been dry and he’d been somewhat constipated over past month or two. is a community of cat lovers dedicated to quality cat care and cat welfare. It's mostly the window sill or the back of the stove. If you suspect that your cat is dehydrated, take him to a veterinarian immediately. if i try to wake him, he's very lethargic and falls back asleep within 30secs. Careful investigation by your veterinarian will be required to narrow down the cause.Symptoms of lethargy in cats are abnormal sleepiness, low energy, and lack of response to surroundings. I hope that she is okay.Hi Vet felt this was important and send us home with a case. This all happened in about three days. I really would like to know what she has, and so far the two vets that I saw at the clinic plus the radiologist Cannot figure it out. Happy, active cats who suddenly become very quiet and either sleep a lot or just want to be left alone might be telling you something's off. participates in select affiliate advertising programs, including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Once he falls asleep he slowly "oozes" off his "perch" and falls, still asleep, to the the ground, or where ever. You should take her to the veterinarian for a checkup if you see her disoriented and falling. How do I stop my cat falling off things while asleep? Anyways the closest thing to a diagnosis we have is that she more than likely is suffering from FHM. This particular supplement is $80. I am thinking of asking the vet tomorrow to ask the lab to test for feline leukaemia. Her ears are not moving only when touched. You may be able to detect dehydration at home by gently lifting the skin on the back of your cat’s neck or between the shoulder blades-unless your cat is seriously overweight or very thin, his skin should immediately return to a normal position. I thought he was just being naughty but I think he was trying to tell me something. Cats do NOT land on their feet while asleep.Your cat is the equivalent of a 70-80 year old person. I’m very worried about him.So my female tuxedo cat who is 4 out of no where started to act lethargic and stopped eating/drinking. So I had to become much more aware and present to the situation and make sure Gilligan wasn’t being bullied. She was given a nutritional supplement that helped her overcome everything other than the loose stool. She just recently started doing this about a month ago. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. Items are sold by the retailer, not Wag!.My cat has been lame and lethargic for weeks now, I've gone to a vet they can't find anything wrong. This helps us offset the costs of running this site, so thank you for your support! The sides of the shoebox should keep the cat from falling off. I would love to take him to a vet but he doesn’t let us pick him up and I’m not sure if he would bite the vet. He does eat or drink on his own, he can't even walk or make to the bathroom. My youngest cat, who isn't quite a year old yet, has recently started falling off of things while she's asleep. She does not respond to sound at all. I would bring a stool sample so that they can check for parasites and once they have taken a look at him they will better be able to assess why he’s not feeling well. My poor old 15-year old Burmese male falls asleep in window sills, stools, stair landings, etc. YAY. I have seen him around the neighborhood and little by little he trusted us and started coming inside to sleep at night. it's been 10 days since she stopped suddenly eating and she has lost one full pound. Vet ran blood panel, kidneys fine, a few minor things that he felt was related to his poor little body being over run with fleas.