Here is a list of all ingredients present in Mahayograj Guggul.Mahayograj Guggul has following healing properties.Mahayograj Guggul is helpful in following diseases.Mahayograj Guggul is useful in disorders of nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Dosage: 2-3tablets twice or thrice daily. bones and joints. These Maha yogaraj guggul contains bhasma and minerals, which make it more effective than Yograj guggul. However, it is best in acute attack of rheumatoid arthritis. Contents. can irritate stomach and intestinal lining. It is anti-obesity and antihyperlipidemic Ayurvedic medicine. Navaka Guggulu (Vyoshadi Guggulu or Dashang Guggul) August 18, 2016. Medohar Guggulu is a unique preparation that works on metabolism and naturally burns fats. Doctors also prescribe Navak Guggul for the treatment of – obesity related to PCOD, Hypothyroidism and diabetes. Medohar Guggulu Benefits & Uses. Guggulu – Purified Commiphora mukul. In backache, it is more beneficial with Dashmoolarista.Mahayograj guggul has antispasmodic action due to magnesium based Abhrak Bhasma. It contains all ingredients of Yograj Guggulu. It is also known as Trayodasanga Guggul tablets, Trayodasanga Gulgulu etc. Which Brands are available for purchase ?It can be taken – 2 tablets 2 times a day after food for 1 month time.Is it safe to use shallaki to treat decreased fluid in knee joints(synovial) , on liver cirrhosis patients ? non veg foods, fast foods and aerated drinks, smoking and excess alcohol. It is in tablet form. Information about Navaka Guggulu / Vyoshadi Guggulu Indication, Dose, Side effecta, Ingredients, Reference, Ayurvedic properties & Manufacturers. Here, Guggulu is treated with 13 ingredients. We have specified the reported benefits underneath:Surprisingly Navaka Guggulu is safe and well tolerated for an individual for the treatment of various health problems however, overdosage or intolerant of any herb can have adverse problems on health. This resin is further processed with triphala decoction to make it usable in the treatment of various diseases. more than 6 weeks) of Maha Yogaraj Guggul should be discouraged.Can this help with bulging disc and nerve inflammation?Mahayograj Guggul is likely to help mitigating inflammation and pain, which aids in the management of bulging disc. The oleo-gum-resin extract that is guggul is secreted from the bark of mukul plant. Navaka Guggulu from Amrita Drugs helps in weight loss and promotes strenght of bones & joints. The heavy dosages are rarely used, but old VAIDYA (ayurvedic physicians) are still using it in heavy dosage of 2 grams twice a day. Whose base is guggulu. Its continuous use and heavy dosage can result in following side effects.Renal impairment can occur with wrong dosage, unwise continuous use or taking Mahayograj Guggulu containing less processed or inadequately prepared bhasma or minerals.The hot potency of this medicine can also reduce the breast milk supply. Use the product under medical supervision as suggested. The statements on this website and all affiliates have not been evaluated by the FDA. Because it contains some heavy metals too, so it should be taken under the supervision of an ayurvedic doctor.My sister suffered from Antiphospholipid antibodies (APLA) or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) if treatment can be possible. Lakshadi Guggul Ingredients: Laksha – Laccifer lacca – resin – 1 part It is also anti-hyperlipidemic and helps in reducing fat content in body thus aiding in weight loss. This Ayurvedic medicine is quite effective in reducing the fat accumulation. The below table is for your reference.The maximum dosage of Mahayograj Guggul should not exceed from 4 grams a day.Mahayograj Guggul contains Bhasma made of heavy metals, which can result in severe side effects.