Bank Offer (2): 10% Amazon Pay Cashback on purchase of Rs.500 or more with newly saved VISA cards See All. So a change in the distress a woman feels about her sex drive is often a key sign of how well the treatment is working.If you try the medicine for 8 weeks and you haven’t felt a change, your doctor may recommend you stop taking it.The bottom line, Volkar says, is that though these treatments may not be perfect yet, having two medications available on the market is a move in the right direction.“I think it's great that we're finally doing research into medications for women and sexual desire,” she says. In certain circumstances, these medications may help. [Book] Female Viagra: The Pink Pill Is Finally Here Unknown Binding 3.5 out of 5 stars 19 ratings. Trauma, unsatisfying sex, or boredom can each reduce desire.Some research suggests that long term, monogamous relationships may lead to a reduction in desire among females. While a sexual partner may believe that sex is the same thing as intercourse, other types of sex may enhance a female’s pleasure.Low sexual desire is a complex issue. So the FDA approved both drugs for premenopausal women only. “There are more factors at play in female sexual desire.”As a result, the treatment for HSDD requires a more nuanced approach.Your doctor may recommend that you try sex education and • Have you been satisfied with your level of sexual desire before?If you answer “yes” to the first four questions, and there’s no other cause for your low sex drive, you probably have HSDD.Volkar says the distress that a woman feels about her sex drive is often the driving factor in whether or not she needs to take medicine for it. For many women, sexual desire goes up and down over the years, often tied to changes in “In men, Viagra fixes a ‘plumbing problem,’ if you will,” says Judith Volkar, MD, of the UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital in Pittsburgh. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. All rights reserved. There are many possible causes — including hormonal shifts, relationship challenges, and issues with brain chemistry — and one person may experience a combination of these factors.A person may benefit from discussing any sexual concerns with a knowledgeable and compassionate healthcare provider.Low sexual desire is treatable, though medication cannot treat all causes. Delivery By: Sep 12 - 13 Details. Some females take Viagra, off-label, to treat low sexual desire. “Is that awesome, or is that not so great? Also, there is no cutoff point at which sexual desire becomes clinically low. Sildenafil (Viagra) treats erectile dysfunction in males. All rights reserved. Viagra and other similar drugs treat “I often say you can picture men's sexual desire as a light switch, and women's sexual desire as the cockpit of a 747,” she says. When I'm counseling a patient, I kind of leave that to their discretion and let them decide what that means for them.”There is no “normal” amount of sex or desire. A The same study pointed to a number of other factors that can reduce libido, including:When low sexual desire results from any — or a combination — of these factors, medication may not be effective.Some alternatives to medication, depending on the cause of low libido and a person’s preference, could include:Heterosexual norms may also be problematic for some females. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. What defines low libido is that a person is distressed by what they consider a lack of interest in sex.This means that the people who may benefit from “Viagra for women” are females who feel that their sex drives are low and who want to have more sex.Sexual desire is complex, and the cause of low libido may not be something that medication can address.