Taking Viagra with a high-fat meal delays Tmax by about 60 minutes. It also helps keep the drug from harming the environment.Using more than the recommended dosage of Viagra can lead to serious side effects. Follow all directions on your prescription label. One However, researchers found that men who took Cialis had improved confidence in their sexual ability. This drug is only approved to be taken by mouth.If you have questions about using Viagra after you’ve had your prostate removed, talk with your doctor.Yes, it can be used for this purpose. But the drug also made him nauseated -- mildly so about 10% of the time and extremely so on a couple of occasions. Generics tend to cost less than brand-name drugs.Like Viagra, certain forms of sildenafil are approved to treat ED in males ages 18 years and older. It’s not known if crushing or chewing the tablets will make them work any differently than usual.If you have trouble swallowing Viagra tablets, you might find it easier to swallow the tablet with different drinks, such as water, juice, or milk.

It is not clear whether sildenafil is the actual cause of vision loss.Viagra is not expected to harm an unborn baby. )If you have a headache after taking Viagra, it should go away fairly quickly. If you think your brand-name prescription has been filled with a generic, talk to your pharmacist.Discuss your health with your doctor to ensure that you are healthy enough for sex. This can cause Viagra to build up inside your body, which may increase your risk of side effects from the drug.Examples of antimicrobial drugs that can increase the risk of side effects from Viagra include:If you take one of the drugs listed above, your doctor will recommend you take a starting dose of 25 mg for Viagra.

We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information - Viagra 'may cause colourblindness and sensitivity to light' The study of high dose men published in Frontiers in Neurology records colour blindness and excess light sensitivity Health The safety and effectiveness of taking Viagra through your nose hasn’t been tested. It hasn’t been studied in people younger than 18 years of age.No, Viagra isn’t approved for use in women. Especially tell your healthcare provider if you take any of the following:VIAGRA does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.VIAGRA (sildenafil citrate) is prescription medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED).Your prescription may have been filled with a generic version instead of brand-name VIAGRA. The very name of the new drug -- Uprima -- conjured up images of supremacy and conquest.Then, last week, came the news that threw a splash of cold water on these oh-so-fond hopes: TAP Pharmaceuticals, the maker of Uprima, unexpectedly -- perhaps temporarily -- withdrew its application for approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).Why did the company pull a product that just weeks ago had been widely expected to gain FDA approval and give Viagra a run for its money in the billion-dollar impotence market?

Call your doctor right away if you have serious side effects.

To find current prices for Viagra in your area, check out The cost you find on GoodRx.com is what you may pay without insurance. But in general, it’s best to avoid drinking lots of alcohol with the medication.This is because certain side effects of Viagra may be worsened by alcohol. These actions allow blood to flow into the corpus cavernosum, which causes your penis to get hard and become erect.ED can occur if you have certain problems that affect your body’s ability to have an erection. This includes such side effects as headaches, flushing, and dizziness. And talk with your doctor if you feel Viagra isn’t helping to treat your ED. Arousal may involve having sexual thoughts, looking at sexual images, masturbating, or engaging in foreplay.But if you feel anxious, nervous, depressed, or stressed, your body may not respond well to sexual stimulation. Again, the cost you find on GoodRx.com is what you may pay without insurance. This includes certain prescription drugs, such as Taking Viagra with nitrates can cause a dangerous drop in your blood pressure that can lead to Examples of nitrate drugs that should not be taken with Viagra include:Examples of drugs used to treat PAH that should not be taken with Viagra include:Examples of drugs used to treat high blood pressure include:If you take a drug for high blood pressure, your doctor might prescribe a dose of Viagra for you that’s lower than the typical dose.If you’re taking a type of blood pressure drug called an alpha-blocker, the extra drop in blood pressure from Viagra could make you feel dizzy or lightheaded.

This has occurred in a small number of people taking sildenafil, most of whom also had heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or certain pre-existing eye problems, and in those who smoked or were over 50 years old. And it hasn’t been studied in pregnant women.

This is likely due to the long-lasting effect of Cialis, which allows men to have more spontaneous sex. But Viagra itself doesn’t give you an erection. Improved erections were reported in:One study only involved men with ED that resulted from a spinal cord injury. Anonymity and worldwide delivery is …