You are going to discover which pharmacy that will certainly be for you when you check it out at our protected comparison page and determine which of the drug stores assessed we wish you to shop from. desktop version → ... Colchicine is used for treating and preventing pain associated with gouty arthritis. Please note: This information needs to not be utilized to make a decision whether or not to take this medicine or other medication. If you have a prescription you will be required to send it to us before we can dispense.Our doctors will prescribe a maximum of 2 of this product or any equivalent product at a time.Colchicine is an anti-gout agent, it is used to treat gout attacks and prevent attacks when treatment is started with other medications. We run successful high street pharmacies in Banbury and Oxford, in the UK, as well as our online chemist services. To report negative effects to the suitable firm, please review the Guide to Reporting Problems to FDA. In which case, skip the missed dose and take the next one at the usual time. Call Pharmacy ... UK Registered Pharmacy Since 1964. All rights reserved. Some can make you more likely to get serious or life-threatening side effects.Speak to your doctor before starting on colchicine if you take:Your doctor may need to adjust your dose if you are taking any of these medicines.There's very little information about taking herbal medicines and supplements with colchicine.Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you're taking any other medicines, including herbal remedies, vitamins or supplements.For gout, colchicine works by reducing the inflammation caused by crystals of uric acid in your joints. Is there any food or drink I need to avoid? Call Pharmacy ... UK Registered Pharmacy Since 1964. It can be used to: treat flare-ups (attacks) of gout prevent increased flare-ups of gout when you first start on a medicine like allopurinol – taken to manage your condition long term If you have any side effects when taking colchicine, stop taking the medicine and get medical help straight away.In rare cases, it's possible to have a serious allergic (You could be having a serious allergic reaction and may need immediate treatment in hospital.These are not all the side effects of colchicine. This is usually reversible when you stop treatment.There's no firm evidence to suggest that taking colchicine reduces fertility in women.However, talk to a doctor if you think you may be pregnant, or you're trying for a baby. It's important to stick to your prescribed dose. per page. Diclofenac 28 x 75mg SR Tablets . Report to your wellness care service provider any of the following clinical issues in instance you have them: alcoholic abuse, intestinal illness, low white cell matter, heart ailment, renal disease, liver disease, belly ulcer or various other tummy problems.The nursing infant revealed no negative effects with 6 months. But, if you’ve been prescribed Colchicine before, you can reorder it online from Superdrug Online Doctor. It could be fatal.Symptoms of taking too much colchicine can include: Like all medicines, colchicine can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them.However, even mild side effects can be very serious. Colchicine is a medicine for treating inflammation and pain.Colchicine is available on prescription. Set Descending Direction. The 11,500 strong network costs only £2.6 billion a year, and the increase that is needed is only £300-£400 million and the index-linking of pharmacy funding. Colchicine Tablets can cause a serious decrease in bone marrow function leading to a decrease in certain white blood cells (agranulocytosis), a decrease in red blood cells and pigment (aplastic anaemia) and/or a low blood platelet count (thrombocytopenia). A pint of lager or beer is usually 2 to 3 units of alcohol.Generally you can eat and drink as normal while taking colchicine.The only thing you need to avoid is grapefruit and grapefruit juice.