Everyday, I am thankful to my Maker for the hair I have and ask to keep it. i always wanted long purple hair, but…my hair has broken off at my temples. I’ve gone to a few with lame outcomes. . I have started on evening primrose oil in the last month and have been using viviscal since september( an expensive marine supplement). I wasn’t aware of the 48 month factor but I can say that the drug looses it’s effectiveness and is dose dependent. I have never had a whole lot of hair. I have some of the deficiencies mentioned as possible causes. My dermatologist who treats my hair loss just tells me “nobody will notice”. I was on the medication for a year until I realized that it was causing my hair to come out. Do you blow dry your hair to style?MJ, don’t waste your time and money on PRP. progesterone CAN convert to testosterone, the kind that will convert to dht, which is when you take something with progestreone in it, you may experience hair loss and acne. I used to have really thick hair, but now my hair is thin and you can see through the scalp. I have been trying products, based on advise from my hair salon… But I am not seeing any positive results. ive never had much hair loss until i started medication now it is coming out in clumps. She said a drug rep was going thru the same problem she told her she went to some herb shop and they told her to take that. i NEVER drank water, when i was little, i distinctly saying to my mom when i tried water for first time, i dont like it, it tastes funny. This is where medications such as Propecia® or Minoxidil, on the other hand, has no influence in DHT and does not impact hormone production – but is one of the most effective treatment options for hair loss. My psychiatrist said that it didn’t, as it was not listed as a side effect, but I totally disagree with him. Thanks for the site. is prolonged) can casue other issues. To ignore a side effect like hair loss that obviously will cause excess stress is outrageous and negligent. I am scared to wash it or even brush it any more. I wonder if the effect on hair growth would be accelerated with oral minoxidil compared to topical? If you are a light sleeper and have thoughts running in your head before you go to sleep, don’t take this! And this is after 2 conditioning regiments and a thorough dousing of leave in conditioner. I had been experiencing steady hair loss for about 3 years, and recently had surgery to remove a ganglion cyst on my left wrist. That’ s interesting about Effexor because I just looked at this site this morning, searching for answers. I will try to stop the levothyroxine and prempo .I wasn’t sure what was causing my hair loss. endocrinologist, dermatologist, gyn doctors cant find a reason of what is going on other than that I went on synthroid.i take metformin lisinop can this cause hair to thinreading all these stories is heartbreaking, been there, am still there. Va mulțumescHi Dr Sinclair from Australia has recently come out with ‘The Hairy Pill’From my email with the business it contains Finasteride, Minoxidil and some vitamins, essential elements and amino acids.Apparently it is doctor prescribed and pharmacy compounded so the Fin and Minox dosages are based on your needs as assessed by a doctor.I assume that this means the trial above, which I recall seeing some coverage on TV last year were somewhat successful.Loniten pills are very expensive and hard to get. Can I find someone that can help me with leads to doctors in OhioI want to know if any of the medications I am taking are causing my hair to come out or is it hereditary. HELP!Hi, so sad to read all these. We discussed how effective some store brand finasteride was and he indicated it was difficult to determine. I had a very full head of wavy hair only to have a third of what i had and all the curl is gone.