But do you recommend juicing out fresh mint leaves strained, mixed with hot water?Janani, I have mentioned that fresh leaves are definitely better than tea bags. And this is a really soothing, calming herbal tea that also helps relax you and keep bloating at bay. The usual symptoms – acne, hirsutism, missed periods etc. I knew there was a natural option out there. It will be really helpful for everybody.Thanx dear,,about 80 to 90% women are suffering from pcod,,its all bcoz of impure diet that we take and can’t help to stop this,,bcozthis is all we are provided with…I am also suffering from pcod,,its a great share,may Allah reward u for this great info…can u plz also tell usabout the website from where spearmint can b ordered?and also total cost,,will b highly obliged Which brand is good for buying spearmint tea as there are lots of brands available in market plz reply soon.Have you tried this spearmint tea? Boil the leaves in hot water and consume it. I am unable to but as shipment is denied. I just want to ask, does drinking spearmint tea help reducing your hirsutism problem? Spearmint and chamomile tea is a must for me, and I drink it religiously three times a day at every meal. tried almost everything. I am going to try this spearmint tea as well as peppermint since i hear that works as the same remedy.Hey can you mention the brand of spearmint tea that you bought.I know its a very old post back 2 years but still nothing has changed. Please give a reply….Where would I get these spearmint tea bags in India?I have period every month but too slow .. .my period is color black sometimes.. Ihave pelvic pain sometimes i have acne on my face and im lossing hair i thats why i go to doctor and got check up and then she recommend to ultrasound and the result is first is multicystic after its become polycystic the second ultrasound..the doctor recommend to take metformin and a pill..i taking metformin more than a year and 6 mnths taking pill…my skin has itchy and has tiny acne..where can i buy spearmint tea and how much..i dont want to rely just on pill and metformin…..please help meHi Anjana, Just read your post today. But Pcos has drastically effected my ovarian health…… Egg formation nd thn ovulation, al hv gt disturbed. So, did that mean I had to keep popping pills for the rest of my life? Spearmint tea contains many antibacterial elements which help to prevent bacteria and therefore promote a healthier immune system. I always buy and stock cartons of tea bags. This is one of the best things to have happened to a woman like me, who suffers from PCOS!I suffer from PCOD and this post is so useful for me Anjana I want to try spearmint tea as soon as possible. It’s milder and naturally sweeter than peppermint and makes for a wonderful cup of tea that can boost the immune system, promote gut healing, fight against inflammation and also offer anti-androgen benefits.Women with PCOS usually have excess androgens, which trigger hormonal imbalances. Is it recommended to have spearmint tea every day?. !You can buy “True Elements Spearmint Infusion Tea ” also.Can you please tell me where can I buy that palanquin herbal spearmint tea….can u please provide linksThis sounds exactly like me! Using Functional Medicine to Reverse Chronic Diseases It can help reduce hirsutism, the dark, coarse terminal hair growth in places where we don’t want it, when consumed regularly for three plus months. If so please let me know the website to get it in India and lf possible can anyone post a picture of the spearmint tea brand you are using. In fact, scientists from the above-mentioned trial concluded that considering the results of the trial, spearmint’s potential benefits for PCOS patients with androgen excess easily outweigh any likely risk.Based on these studies, we can safely say that drinking spearmint tea for PCOS can improve the symptoms of this hormonal disorder. It can also reduce excess body hair, clear up acne and aid in digestion. No acne but I’m losing hair and started getting facial hair. I dug deep into each one of them. Spearmint tea is caffeine-free, which also makes it an ideal choice for those trying to reduce their coffee intake to improve their PCOS-triggered adrenal fatigue.While this is a mild tea, it’s always best to discuss with your doctor before you start drinking copious amounts of spearmint tea to find relief from your PCOS symptoms.