Because Phenobarbital can't pinpoint which neurons in particular to inhibit, this affects other neurons. Treating between 60 and 80% of cases of idiopathic dog epilepsy effectively, dog owners can administer the drug on a daily basis to stop seizures, or administer it mid-seizure to stop the shaking. Lethargy. Symptoms of liver damage to watch out for include jaundice, weight loss, vomiting and dark urine. Excessive Urination. Additionally, by monitoring blood levels frequently will help alert you to any problems in your dog's body before it is too late. Frequent and constant usage of this medication over long periods of time can lead to fatal phenobarbital side effects. One grain is equal to about 60 mg, and the drug is available in 1/4 grain, 1/2 grain, 1 grain, and 100 mg tablets. If your vet prescribes phenobarbital for your dog, then follow their instructions for dosage closely.Here’s what you should know about the uses, dosage, and side effects of Diazepam, more commonly known as Valium, is another anticonvulsant drug that vets sometimes prescribe to dogs for seizures. Loss of coordination. You'll notice your dog appearing lazy, sedated, restless, hyper-excited or uncoordinated (ataxia). Phenobarbital is one of the most commonly used drugs to treat epilepsy and other seizure disorders in dogs. Liver Damage from Phenobarbital. These side effects will disappear after a few weeks of treatment when your dog's system gets used to the medication. There are other drugs available that have fewer side effects, though they are more expensive.Phenobarbital is one of the most commonly used drugs to treat seizures in dogs because it is so effective and inexpensive compared to other options. Anxiety. It is also available in an injectable form, which comes in 65 mg/ml and 130 mg/ml doses.Your veterinarian will give you instructions on how to properly give your dog the correct amount of phenobarbital to treat the seizures.Phenobarbital is generally safe for dogs when prescribed in the correct dosage, however there are some Short-term side effects typically clear up in a few weeks, and your veterinarian will have to monitor your dog for long-term side effects if they take the drug for an extended period of time.If you see concerning side effects in your dog, then consult your veterinarian, as they may wish to alter the dosage or seek an alternative form of treatment.Dogs with Addison’s disease, kidney disease, respiratory problems, or existing liver disease should not be given this drug. In rare cases, it can even cause liver failure, which is why frequent blood tests are necessary for your vet to monitor the liver function. Restlessness. Long-term side effects of Phenobarbital include frequent urination, excessive drinking and … There have been a number of new medications in their beginning stages for treating epilepsy in dogs without the risk of liver damage, but the majority is very expensive. Phenobarbital for Dogs with Seizures – American Kennel Club Phenobarbital can cause liver damage (such as scarring in the liver) after prolonged use (over three months). Let us know in the comments below!Affiliate Disclosure: Evolve Media LLC, and its owned and operated websites may receive a small commission from the proceeds of any product(s) sold through affiliate and direct partner links.monitoring_string = "c1299fe10ba49eb54f197dd4f735fcdc"Dogtime is a property of TotallyHer Media, LLC, an Evolve Media, LLC company. Did it help with their seizures? Potassium bromide allows vets to prescribe a lower dosage of Phenobarbital in order to lower the likelihood of developing liver damage, but can affect the salt levels of your dog's diet. Phenobarbital for dogs is a popular, and often- prescribed medication used to treat seizures in dogs. Side effects such as incoordination may indicate a dose that is too high. Common side effects in dogs include anxiety, agitation, lethargy, or sedation when therapy is started, and increased thirst, urination, and appetite or elevated liver enzymes on bloodwork are possible. Long-term side effects of Phenobarbital include frequent urination, excessive drinking and eating. You'll notice your dog appearing lazy, sedated, restless, hyper-excited or uncoordinated (ataxia). Read on for more details of my story and check out the comments below for others. Less commonly, decreased blood cell counts may occur. What Are the Side Effects of Phenobarbital in Dogs? Contact your veterinarian right away if your dog has trouble breathing, starts sneezing, breaks out in hives, or shows other allergy symptoms.Has your dog ever taken phenobarbital? Sedation. 80% of epileptic dogs having their number of seizures reduced by half and about a third of dogs actually becoming seizure free As a result, many of the side effects of Phenobarbital are neurological. Sometimes a dog may seem to need to urinate more frequently than normal when he is on phenobarbital. Phenobarbital reduces the activity of neurons in your dog, which prevents seizures. Increased thirst or appetite. Epilepsy in dogs means pet parents have to understand the symptoms, medication side effects, and know what to look out for when using phenobarbital for dogs. It increases the neurotransmitter GABA, which calms nerves, and decreases glutamate, a neurotransmitter that stimulates nerves.The FDA has not approved the drug for veterinary use, and it’s a controlled substance, so it’s only available via prescription from a DEA-licensed veterinarian.