Such products include aftershave, cologne, perfume, antiperspirant, mouthwash, antiseptic astringent skin products, hair dyes, and others. Please post only when sober; you're welcome to read in the meanwhile.Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Aniracetam Experiences Shared on Reddit. The below is not a qualified medical advice nor a credible research result. Piracetam was the first of the family of racetam drugs created. After reading that scare post about piracetam, it has made me rather anxious about taking it, since I really don't like the idea of it have long lasting side effects (6-12 months) However I did see that he took many experiences from other people and presented them quite informally, so I was wondering if anyone had any issues with piracetam before. "My symptoms included amazing raised red hives all over my body, within minutes. In my outpatient rehab, they... jump to content. I then started a terrible cycle of binging, sobering up, binging, sobering up. I can identify totally with the thinking that sees sitting on your bathroom floor, bright red, vomiting with your head pulsing and heart racing, and thinking this is a somewhat acceptable way to drink. All my knowledge comes from Wikipedia, Reddit and my personal experience. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts I've been adding a lot of weight but towards the end of my drinking I had dropped a lot. It was developed as a possible solution to many cognitive problems, including Alzheimer’s disease and other memory loss diseases, brain injuries, and disorders of the central nervous system. share. My body may just be adjusting to normal nutrition rather than thousands of empty calories. The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed. I've mentioned that I took Antabuse for a year and some people have asked me to elaborate about it, so here goes.In my outpatient rehab, they gave me a year's prescription of It's a pill, and I had to take it in front of them on days you showed up to rehab. Because I was a hot mess during this time, I realized that I could drink the day after I took an Antabuse and not die.My symptoms included amazing raised red hives all over my body, within minutes. The drug was initially developed as a solution to patients suffering from neurodegenerative disorders, brain injuries, and other central nervous system disorders. I'm in a much different (better) place than I was the last time I took it and drank. Similar to Piracetam, it is known for its cognitive-enhancing properties but works up to 30 times stronger. People use it as a supplement to … Here are some of the specifics I remember:When you're on it, you need to get your liver checked after a few weeks with a blood test. Regular doctor check-ups don't show anything that could be related. So crazy. Use it if it's available to you.I am switching doctors and health plans and I plan to talk to my doctor about it soon. !! Avoid situations that might tempt you to drink. That shows you how insane I was.I get frustrated when people refer to Antabuse (or Naltrexone) as a crutch. Phenylpiracetam is a new nootropic that has only recently gained popularity due to anecdotal reports on internet communities like Reddit and Longecity. Phenylpiracetam capsules will be a better experience than the powder if you are looking to buy phenylpiracetam online. I stopped taking it after about 8 months because I was doing really well and figured it would be a good idea to keep some stashed in case I ever needed it again. I've had irritability issues but thats about it on the negative side. Despite being illegal for sale in some countries, people are still able to purchase and use the nootropic for their personal use. Also, I got migraines within about hour. edit subscriptions. After about a year (and during a horrible binging period), I learned I could drink while taking it and so I did (and it sucked).Nope. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts