Tumors are combated in a variety of ways, including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. CBD oil is an excellent option for many people, but is it something that pet parents should consider? So why are pet parents concerned about prednisone?As a synthetic steroid, prednisone may result in side effects that may be serious, so it’s good to first consider if it’s really necessary to use prednisone on your dog. It’s important to consult with your veterinarian. If prednisone is withdrawn too suddenly, you could cause adrenal insufficiency.Prednisone can help improve your dog’s quality of life. This form of the drug is widely available with a prescription, comes in several sizes, and is very affordable.Giving prednisone with food—rather than on an empty stomach—decreases the risk of an upset tummy from the medication. The usual prednisone dosage that is prescribed for dogs is about 0.1 to 0.3 mg/pound of body weight. Note: These recommendations should only be used as a guideline, your dog’s treatment should be carefully monitored and controlled by a professional. However, this decision must be made by your veterinarian, as they know your dog best.Never, ever change the dose of prednisone without checking with your vet first, because your dog can suffer a Either it will be filled in your veterinarian’s office, or you’ll take a prescription to a pharmacy to get the medication filled (most human pharmacies can fill canine prescriptions, especially for common drugs like prednisone).The most common form of prednisone you’ll receive is a pill—a white tablet. That said, dogs that have the following conditions should not be taking prednisone.Discuss with your veterinarian first if your dogs have cancer, heart problems, mites, diabetesDogs that are on NSAID’s should also not go on prednisone. To make it easy to remember, write the schedule on your calendar (like the sample calendar above) or add reminders to your phone.That way, you don’t have to remember anything or calculate which day you’re on before you’ve had your morning coffee—you can just look at your calendar or reminders and give the next dose accordingly.Since prednisone is a prescription drug and is not available over the counter, always check with your veterinarian prior to giving the medication. Prednisone and prednisolone treat a wide variety of diseases and disorders in dogs and vets can prescribe them for many conditions, often as supplemental treatment. Your veterinarian might start at a low dose and slowly add more pred over time.Or, your veterinarian might start at a dose they think will be low enough, and then have to lower the dose later because it turns out your dog has less tolerance than other dogs.Your job is to administer the right dose at the right time and take careful note of any side effects that happen. Only give them as much as needed for them too take their medicine—too many treats could cause a stomachache or lead to weight gain or other health problems.Liquid formulations are also an option. That said, it’s good to be aware of the side effects, so that you can look out for them, and also discuss them with your veterinarian. […] Prednisone or you’ve heard about it and would like to know more, feel free to check out this article written by the veterinarian Tammy […]Informative and very important issues addressed well.Featuring Demian Dressler, DVM and Susan Ettinger, DVM, Dip. Relieving pain and inflammation is an important part of veterinary treatment in dogs, and helps your dog feel better, and live a happier, pain-free life!Prednisone is a steroid drug that is important in treating a myriad of health conditions in dogs.