Propolis is made mainly from tree sap and is high in compounds known as flavonoids, which are extremely beneficial for the health of the body in numerous ways. Just as a builder uses cement to ‘fill in the gaps,’ bees use propolis to strengthen their hive and keep it glued together. Many virtues are attributed to propolis: it has antiviral and anti-fungal activity, which can prevent and treat respiratory infections, treat genital herpes, improve oral hygiene, oppose free radicals and advanced glycation endproducts (AGE) responsible for accelerating aging and it would even be effective for boosting hair growth! Learn more about Propolis uses, effectiveness, possible side effects, interactions, dosage, user ratings and products that contain Propolis Propolis is a substance made by bees when they mix tree resins, sap, enzymes, and honey  Bees have many uses for propolis, including filling cracks in their hive. A case of allergic contact dermatitis caused by propolis-enriched honey. However, as propolis is a natural product that is easy to obtain, it cannot hurt to try a topical treatment in hopes of reducing inflammation and encouraging hair to grow again.Propolis is sold in health food stores across the country and online in various forms, including powders, capsules, ointments, and creams. The benefit of these products is that it contains propolis and other beneficial ingredients for your hair. Propolis extract, propolis tincture, propolis capsules, propolis tablets, propolis powder, propolis spray, propolis ointment and propolis cream are all typically available for purchase at any health food store as well as online. Losing hair can be stressful and influence a person’s self-esteem- not to mention the recent studies that link hair loss with a higher risk of developing health problems like With so much social pressure on women and men to have full, healthy heads of hair, it is no wonder that losing hair can cause Although your first instinct may be to reach for a bottle of A new study conducted by Japanese scientists and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2014 has found that a substance made by bees- called propolis, may be beneficial in reversing the signs of hair loss when it was tested on mice.How can a product made by bees help prevent hair loss? It is a great winter supplement to help support immune resistance and recovery from common winter ills. But how can we make use of this intriguing ingredient? But propolis is perfect for soothing the scalp and clearing up any nasties. Research shows high quality Propolis provides broad spectrum support for human health: • Immune support - Propolis provides powerful support for immune defences and aids balanced immune function. It is available as a tablet, chewing gum, an ethereal oil and a scalp spray. We investigate the bee propolis benefits to find out what this miracle product can really do.A swarm of bees constructing their hive is not too dissimilar to a bricklayer building a house. Propolis is an over-the-counter drug, which means that a prescription from the pharmacy is not needed. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Studies show that propolis has strong antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-microorganism properties.In the past, propolis has been used to treat many health conditions, particularly for wound treatment, respiratory illnesses, and oral hygiene.The researchers in the 2014 study on hair loss wanted to know if propolis extract could encourage the growth of hair in mice. With its anti-bacterial properties, propolis is thought to defend your body against illness and disease. Why take Propolis? Hence it’s inclusion in our Another one of the bee propolis benefits promoted by our One of the causes of hair loss is inflammation, which can be triggered by a range of common conditions. Plus, propolis has many other health benefits other than hair. “These results indicate that propolis stimulates hair growth by inducing hair keratinocyte proliferation,” the researchers concluded. It is also used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, such as rhinitis, cough and sinusitis. It also helps to keep cold winds out and stop intrusive predators from coming in.But the bee propolis benefits go beyond our favourite honey-loving insects. Propolis masks and propolis scalp therapy are sold online. Propolis is also used to line nest cavities and even reduce the hive opening. From ancient times, people have used it to treat respiratory diseases. Tip: When you have a dental problem, apply a dab of propolis tincture on the affected area for 5 times every day. In the beauty industry, propolis is a valuable ingredient, used in many cosmetics, skincare, and hair care products. When used as maintenance it can help prevent the occurrence of any irritation, sensitivity or tendency to become greasy. That’s because propolis naturally has antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties.