Ships Worldwide from Australia, Canada, India, Mauritius, NZ, Turkey, UK Do not use Protoic if you have an allergy to its active ingredient (tacrolimus) or its other ingredients or to macrolide antibiotics. *Includes $9.95 Shipping. Pololu Step-Down Voltage Regulator Fixed Output – D36V28Fx Range £ 11.35 Select options; Showing all 1 result. Ships Worldwide from Australia, Canada, India, Mauritius, NZ, Turkey, UK Free Shipping. The lowest price for Protopic (tacrolimus) 0.1 % is The total price includes shipping fees which typically cover an entire order, making it more economical to purchase multiple medications in the same order. Ships Worldwide from Australia, Canada, India, NZ, UK Orders over £75. It can be used on most of your body, including your face (but not in your nose, mouth or eyes), neck, and where your joints bend. Call 01592 572094. You may also not be able to use this ointment if you have liver disease; skin infections, disease or malignancies; or your immune system does function properly. Ships Worldwide Except Canada from Australia, Canada, NZ, UK Do not treat infected skin lesions. This can make it easier for you to get sick from a virus such as chicken pox or herpes (cold sores or shingles). *Includes $9.95 Shipping. Other effects include rash, redness, heat, pain, sensitivity, skin/hair follicle infections, and infrequently, acne. Ships Worldwide from Australia, Canada, India, NZ, UK Protopic 0.1 % ointment is indicated in adults and adolescents (16 years of age and above) Flare treatment. Ships Worldwide Except Canada from Australia, Canada, Mauritius, NZ, UK Your source for all things Proto-PIC, BBC Micro:Bit, Sparkfun, Pololu, Raspberry PI and Arduino. Your doctor will instruct you about what to do and when to use it, including what strength of ointment to use, and how often it should be applied. Free Shipping. Showing 1–24 of 29 results . Our discount and coupon prices are based on contracts between a pharmacy (or pharmacy purchasing group) and a Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM), who provides prices to us. Ships Worldwide Except Canada from Australia, Canada, NZ, UK *Includes $14.95 Shipping Particularly mention oral corticosteroids or medicines affecting the immune system. *Includes $9.95 Shipping. Free Shipping. *Includes $9.95 Shipping. Tacrolimus prevents the release of chemicals causing inflammation, thus reducing the skin's itchiness and inflammation.Protopic is an ointment that is available in two strengths, 0.03% and 0.1%. *Includes $14.95 Shipping Do not use Protoic if you have an allergy to its active ingredient (tacrolimus) or its other ingredients or to macrolide antibiotics. Free Shipping. Ships Worldwide from Australia, Canada, India, Mauritius, NZ, Turkey, UK Inform your doctor about all skin treatments that you are using as well as all your other medicines. *Includes $9.95 Shipping. Ships to U.S. Only from Australia, Canada, India, Mauritius, NZ, Turkey, UK, US *Includes $9.95 Shipping. Discounts. It has eased the condition considerably when nothing else worked.Much better for my neck than Elidel (pimecrolimus).