My comment above was only that in theory Rhodiola “could be” safe for older children for short term stress issues. May I take Rhodiola & licorice together because I.could benefit from raised blood pressure. As far as I understand, there have been no studies with children. When plants change their constituents in response to changes in their environment, then we, in turn, detect those constituents and those changes. Rhodiola rosea – Stresskiller und natürliches Antidepressivum Rhodiola rosea ist ein natürliches Mittel bei psychischen Beschwerden. Rhodiola is one of the most effective in this family, due to containing active compounds like rosoavin that have the ability to help balance the stress hormone, cortisol. Wir übernehmen keine Haftung für Schäden irgendeiner Art, die direkt oder indirekt aus der Verwendung der Angaben entstehen. Sie wünschen sich ein gesundes Leben für sich, Ihre Familie und Mitmenschen? The result was a significant decrease in anxiety, based on established anxiety measurements.From this result, and given that we know that GAD sufferers have high levels of cortisol, researchers concluded that Rhodiola rosea is an effective tool to reduce cortisol.Another study, completed a year earlier, looked at the effect of Rhodiola rosea on mice.Specifically, researchers looked the antidepressant, anti-anxiety, and stimulating effects of Rhodiola rosea in the rodents.They found that all three effects happened when they gave mice Rhodiola rosea extract…That is, it acted as an effective antidepressant, an effective anti-anxiety medication, and an effective stimulant.Now you might be wondering how one remedy can have so many positive effects.While we don’t have a firm scientific answer what we DO know is that Rhodiola rosea is a powerful adaptogenic herb.This basically means that rather than effecting everyone and every system in precisely the same way, it seems that Rhodiola rosea will simply facilitate a correction of neurotransmitter and hormonal levels to return their natural state of homeostasis.Which, when it comes to ED, is exactly what you want…The vast majority of ED problems are caused by imbalances in something, whether its dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, cortisol, or adrenaline, and the best way to Rhodiola rosea is an excellent supplement to take to help you get your erections back on track, not because it does one thing so well, but rather because it balances out your entire system.It’s no wonder so many guys swear by the stuff. Denn nicht immer wächst sich das Problem nach der Kindheit aus. Die Mengen reichen hier von wenigen Tausendstel Gramm (mg) in manchen Mischpräparaten bis zu über 500 mg in einer einzigen Kapsel. So erging es auch dem 27jährigen Jeremy. I have low testosterone as it is but still break out in acne even though all my androgens have all finally gone back to normal range. Or does it actually help to clear skin? Schwer enttäuscht gab er auf.Jack nahm Megadosen mit Antioxidantien, immunstärkende Kräuter, chinesische Anti-Krebs-Kräutermischungen und Rhodiola rosea, um seinen Körper für die ihm blühende schulmedizinische Therapie stark zu machen. It is available in the US in 250mg, 500mg and 700mg – maybe more! Yes, they can be stopped for 3-4 weeks and then restarted.Thank you Dr Lara. Mehr als drei Jahre später – obwohl er längst tot hätte sein sollen – lief und kletterte er nach wie vor und nahm auch noch immer Rhodiola rosea ein. I have seen lots of studies saying that ashwaganda raises testosterone and I don’t want that!Can you please send the links for any studies you’ve seen that say ashwagandha raises testosterone? Rhodiola is an adaptogen that has been proven to reduce the secretion of cortisol during stressful situations. Bis zur vollen Entfaltung der Wirkung vergehen meist ein bis zwei Wochen, so dass sich die Einnahme über einen längeren Zeitraum empfiehlt. Andererseits erkennt man so am besten die individuell passende Dosis. Do you have any comment on rhodiola and thyroid? Maybe for an older child (10yo and over), and short-term (3 months max) and under professional guidance.