Subscribe to get daily ideas on mealsEditor's pick on the best recipes, articles and videos.Wondering what to cook today? We can add Sabja seeds in any juice it goes well together. Subscribe my channel : Subscribe to get daily ideas on mealsEditor's pick on the best recipes, articles and videos.With the growing trend of gourmet foods and healthy living, there has been a surge in the demand of organic seeds. Below sharbat is the most quickest and simplest recipe to be made when a guest arrives home in hot summers and all we need is a few tsp of soaked sabja seeds handy.I have never tried this drink.Thanks for sharing it’s recipe.Will surely try it.Thank u so much aanchal…hope you love this drink when you make it ….Hi, Can basil seeds be added to hot meals, such as Oatmeal?Hi Srikanth, there is no downside as such but, sabja seeds are basically used in cold drinks as they taste good only with the drinks,however, if you have plans to add them with oatmeal and if you like the taste then go ahead with it…Hope it tastes good…Sabja seeds basically work as a coolant and if you are willing to add the cooling flavor to your drink then definitely you can add it… However I do not prefer them to be added on salads… But do remember to soak the seeds for about 10 minutes before using them in any drink…A sweet drink or sharbat recipe made using soaked sabja seeds which is a good drink during summers as they are a great body coolant.Firstly, handpick any small unwanted pebbles from the seeds and discard them.Soak 2 tsp sabja seeds in 1 small bowl of water for about 2 hours.Once they are soaked, we observe that they have increased their size many times and swollen.Once the seeds appear swollen perfectly, strain out the excess water that remains.The swollen soaked seeds should be added in drinks such as lemonade or falooda or any drink of our choice.The soaked seeds can be kept in refrigerator for 2-3 days and can be added to any drink while drinking.In a glass, add 3 tbsp roohafza/rose syrup/any syrup.Similarly prepare another glass of sabja drink and serve chilled!! Summer is already in full peak and so I pack almost some juice or drink with me almost daily. See great recipes for Basil/Sabja Seeds Khree /Quick Weight Loss for sabja seeds/ too! What are sabja (basil) seeds? Also, no sweetener is required for this juice as the Nannari Syrup is sweet by itself. 99 % pure, allowed less than 1 % red seed. if you are willing to sell plz revert us back at 2. !This is Asiya, a graduate in Engineering and Technology from Hyderabad,India with always a passion for cooking and trying different recipes and therefore started food blogging... Sign up to get daily ideas on mealsWondering what to cook today? Most Refreshing cooling summer drink made of Sabja seeds (Basil seeds). The iron-rich basil seeds also help improve quality of blood, she added. Here I have added sabja seeds to a syrup called as roohafza which is usually available in India but it can also be added into any rose syrup drink or strawberry syrup drink or any fruit flavored drink.« Bendakaya Fry Recipe Andhra Style, Bendakaya VepuduChicken Kathi Roll Recipe Indian, How To Make Chicken Kathi Roll » Their health benefits and tips to eatWhat is red rice? Sabja seeds are most nutritious when soaked in water and consumed. In a bowl add in Water to this add in the Nannari Syrup. Chia seeds help maintain healthy blood pressure and blood sugar levels in the body, lower cholesterol and promote improved cardiovascular health, are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, while sabja seeds function well as a diuretic and aid digestion. We can add Sabja seeds in any juice it goes well together. We'll notify you by email once your comment goes liveWe have sent you a verification email. Add the sabja or basil seeds and stir well. In a bowl add in Water to this add in the Nannari Syrup.Next add in the lemon juice from 2 lemons and then add in the soaked Sabja seeds.« Ragi Bajra Porridge| Ragi Kambu Koozh| Finger Millet Bajra Savory PorridgePineapple Sabja Juice |Basil Seed Pineapple Juice »