Matok I, et al. But while the F.D.A. Proton pump inhibitors reduce the production of acid and are used to prevent and treat acid-related conditions including ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The maximum dosage is 300 mg per day. OTC drugs do not have pregnancy categories, but prescription Zantac is considered a pregnancy category B drug by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Zantac is considered safe to take at any time during pregnancy. If you suffer from morning sickness or nausea during pregnancy, like many other women, ask your doctor how to treat it. Taking a PPI once a day inhibits around 70% of proton pumps, so a small amount of acid is still available for food digestion. Zantac reduces the acid level in your stomach, so it can interact with medications that require stomach acid. It should go away after you have your baby, but in the meantime, you may wonder what you can do to ease the burn. This includes low platelet levels. You may be tempted to turn to an over-the-counter (OTC) medication, such as Zantac, to reduce acid. Antacids only contain calcium, which is considered safe throughout pregnancy. It’s used to relieve heartburn from indigestion and sour stomach, which may be due to eating or drinking certain foods and beverages. You can take Zantac 30 minutes to one hour before you eat. If that doesn’t work, they may suggest medication.The first-line drug treatment for heartburn in pregnancy is an OTC antacid or prescription sucralfate. 12(3):225-7. “They can just switch to one of the other acid blockers instead.”CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreens recently stopped selling the drug, and other countries have taken steps to either Dr. Christopher M. Zahn, who oversees clinical guidelines at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, encouraged patients to speak with their OB/GYNs about other types of medications if they are looking for an alternative.“Women struggling with gastric reflux and nausea during pregnancy should know that they have options during this recall,” Dr. Zahn said.And while NDMA has not been shown to cause cancer in humans, “it is reasonable” to expect that it could, according to the C.D.C.This is not the first time NDMA has been found in a popular drug. has found low levels of a cancer-causing chemical in samples of the drug, and some experts are advising expectant mothers to use alternative forms of relief.Chest pain. If your heartburn lasts after two weeks of treatment with Zantac, tell your doctor. Most people tolerate Zantac well. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. These drugs include:Zantac belongs to a class of medications called histamine (H2) blockers. Ranitidine has been available for decades and studies have found it to be safe for use during pregnancy. The others are antacids such as Maalox, Mylanta and Tums; and H2 (histamine) receptor antagonists such as ranitidine ( Zantac ), famotidine (Pepcid), and cimetidine (Tagamet). If you have moderate heartburn, you can take 150 mg of Zantac once or twice per day. The interaction means they won’t work as well to treat your condition. Sucralfate acts locally in your stomach and only a small amount absorbs into your blood stream. Zantac (ranitidine) is an H2 (histamine) blocker that blocks the production of acid in the stomach. All rights reserved. That means there’s a very low risk of exposure for your developing baby.If those drugs don’t work, then your doctor may suggest a histamine blocker such as Zantac.Zantac takes a while to work, so you take it in advance to prevent heartburn. Ranitidine is secreted into human breast milk and may pose a potential risk to the infant.