My finger nails crumble and splinter easily. It's been hard with the hot flashes and mood swings. It's not that rare do your research a lot of women have been harmed by this drug.” Evert joint in my body aches and I sweat at least a gallon a day. I think it gets easier as time passes. Now my doctor is “strongly” recommending Tamoxifen. She is dying a painful death now.” I’ve now gone through almost an entire year of treatment chemo/radiation, which has been has been hell. “Hello out there, Tamoxifen may cause damage to developing embryos. - Păstraţi acest prospect. Has anyone done that Súhrn charakteristických vlastností lieku (SPC) Tamoxifen "Ebewe" 10 mg tbl 10 mg (liek.PP) 1x100 ks. I eventually took myself off the Tamoxifen and within a few weeks all side effects were gone. “I just started taking tamoxifen only 5 days and I broke out in a rash and bumps so will be calling Dr tomorrow to find out if this is normal and will go away. I was diagnosed this year with stage 2DC. Now my Oncologist wants me to take Tamoxifen for 10 years. Tamoxifen. i should have had surgery 1st but as i was struggling to cope with a bitter divorce and sell my house the consultants thought it would be better to try and shrink the tumour with tamoxifen and zoladex injections . “I was diagnosed with breast cancer stage 1a idc at 39 yrs old. My liver shudders at night like I have been drinking hard.” My body hurt, I couldn't sleep, I was angry all of the time so my oncologist wisely agreed with my decision to stop the drug. It almost killed her. Lää - Suomessa myytävien lääkevalmisteiden pakkausselosteet. I wish I had.” “All the adjuvant therapies that were offered to me scared the life out of me. Which hospitalized her for 14 days. Pain or bone pain. The list goes on and on, but to compound it, when I told my doctors, they said, "oh, tamoxifen doesn't cause that. Didn't have any energy and I always had energy before but it was a chore just to make myself move. Tamoxifen Sandoz 10 mg comprimate filmate Tamoxifen Citiţi cu atenţie şi în întregime acest prospect înainte de a începe să utilizaţi acest medicament deoarece poate conține informații importante pentru dumneavoastră. I am considering taking one of the above only 2-3 days a week. It's information like this (under 'adverse reactions') that makes me glad I trusted my gut: search for Soltamox, then look at profession, and then look under side effects Trouble with sleeping. I have a lot of scar tissue. “I had Breast Cancer in 2004 Ductal in situ so I was very lucky I had a breast removal then radiation and 5 years on Tamoxifen. Available for Android and iOS devices. If you have health insurance, check with your insurance company to see if and how much of the cost of tamoxifen is covered. I’m only stage 0, stage 1, and my lymph nodes came back negative. While tamoxifen blocks estrogen's action on breast cells, it activates estrogen's action in bone and liver cells. I decided for the sake of my new job, I am a widow and sole provider, that I needed to go off off it for awhile. Then the sweats got worse, I had trouble sleeping, pain in my back and fingers. Tamoxifen is a prescription drug. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information - I was on Tamoxifen about 20 months when I asked the doctor to let me get off of it and since I am 80 she decided to honor my request.” Please, Ladies, stick with it and stay well” While no definitive results are available yet, the ongoing Co-STAR (Cognition in the Study of Tamoxifen and Raloxifene) trial is looking at the effects tamoxifen and raloxifene have on memory and thinking.The American Society of Clinical Oncology recommends that: “About 3 weeks after starting tamoxifin, The following information is NOT intended to endorse any particular medication. It was mild at first but continued to progress to where I would fall asleep regularly at my desk. Say a prayer before taking it and pray for no side affects.”