This can persist for weeks, months or even years. lindamine 13 Feb 2011. Not only because it looks very strange and bathrooms have a modicum of privacy, but also because the sink is very handy.Once you have a little pool of water in your cupped hands, submerge your nose in it. Check with your doctor if any of the following common side effects don't go away or are bothersome:1 1. The water damps everything down in the nose, including the irritants. Sneezing can occur for a variety of reasons that have in common an irritation of the lining (mucous membranes) of the nose or throat. It sounded completely bizarre and I didn't believe him, but I also wanted to eat my lunch. Feeling of fast or irregular heartbeat 13. Indigestion 8. Your nose may feel tender and tickly, but you'll no longer be actively sneezing.Uncontrollable sneezing happens because some irritants in the nose aren't getting sneezed out. Photic Sneeze Reflex – also known as ACHOO or Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst – is a condition characterized by uncontrollable sneezing after exposure to bright lights, usually sunlight. YOU MAY ALSO LIKE. Sneezing is often one of the first symptoms and is short-lived. The water damps everything down in the nose, including the irritants.Use water from whatever is handy—bottles, hoses, drinking fountains. Other symptoms like nasal congestion, runny nose (rhinitis), watery eyes and itchy eyes especially in the late evening may also be present.Seasonal rhinitis is characterized by sudden, frequent attacks of sneezing. Abdominal pain 9. When I was growing up, I had constant allergies. As such, those afflicted with this condition are called “sun sneezers. Patients may also complain of sneezing when exposed to perfumes and other strong odors, changes in weather and cold, dry air (like air conditioning).Sensitivity to food allergens are more frequently seen in children with a history of atopic conditions like eczema, allergic rhinitis and asthma. Sneezing (sternutation) is the act of expelling a sudden and uncontrollable burst of air through the nose and mouth. Here an individual erupts in bouts of repeated sneezing upon awaking from sleep. Use water from whatever is handy—bottles, hoses, drinking fountains. Bacterial infections are also responsible for rhinitis but in cases of chronic symptoms, it may more often be linked to  sinusitis. Hold it there as long as you can.Dry the outside of your nose with a paper towel, or let it air dry. In the summer, many, many things in the outdoors would set me off. Answer this question. Weight gain 7. The sneezing bouts may continue intermittently over a period of many days meaning that it occurs on certain day but on other days there may be no swelling. Ever since then, it has been my secret weapon whenever allergies give me grief and I start a sneezing fit.Though this cure can be done anywhere, it's easiest in a bathroom. Some of the triggers include :This is commonly seen in non-allergic rhinitis which has different sub-classifications including :Please note that any information or feedback on this website is not intended to replace a consultation with a health care professional and will not constitute a medical diagnosis. Tears were streaming down my face, and the diners around me were starting to edge away. Constipation 2. So finally, I excused myself to the bathroom, tried what he suggested … and it worked. Uncontrollable sneezing happens because some irritants in the nose aren't getting sneezed out. Adults, however, may also respond to foods and drinks, although this is often related to temperature like with icy cold drinks or hot and spicy foods (gustatory non-allergic rhinitis explained below).Most upper respiratory tract infections are acute in nature.