Vardenafil, a phosphodiesterase type-5 ... Sildenafil treat ment of paroxetine-induced anor-gasmia in a woman (letter). This only happens during sexual arousal. Later, you can try using it along with alcohol. Heavy alcohol consumption is one of the leading causes of ED, so taking Levitra while drinking heavily may be unhelpful at best. If you notice that Levitra doesn’t seem to be as effective, you’ll know that using it with alcohol may be a problem for you. Paroxetine is an extensively used SSRI that has been shown to impair erectile function in patients, to induce erectile dysfunction and to inhibit nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity and NO production in animal models. Use this medicine (vardenafil tablets) as ordered by your doctor. ADAM KELLER ASHTON, M.D. Levitra doesn’t cure ED and it can’t increase your sex drive. You should also stay away from street drugs called “poppers,” which contain nitrates. … With ED, a man has trouble getting an erection. Vardenafil is a type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor that potentiates NO-mediated responses in isolated trabecular smooth muscle and penile erection in men in clinical trials… But today, several ED medications can be taken with alcohol. Levitra (vardenafil) is one of several medications available today to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Even light drinking can sometimes cause problems with getting an erection. Am J Psyc hiatry 1999; 156:800. Drinking alcohol every day, however, can make the symptoms of depression worse and you will not feel the benefit of your medicine. Some of the side effects of mixing alcohol and Paxil include abnormalities in thinking, changes in vision, hallucinations, drops or spikes in blood pressure and decreased sex drive. Vardenafil is a type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor that potentiates NO-mediated responses in isolated trabecular smooth muscle and penile erection in men in clinical trials. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. How is this medicine (Vardenafil Tablets) best taken? It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about your concerns. He may also have trouble keeping an erection long enough for sexual activity. If you’re still concerned about using them together, try taking Levitra without alcohol the first few times you use it. Available for Android and iOS devices. Serious side effects are rare but possible, and some can be sudden and dangerous. Some people may also experience impairment in thinking and judgment. In general, Levitra is safe to use with alcohol. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information - Alcohol can sometimes play a part in sexual activity, so it’s important to understand how a drug you take for ED can interact with alcohol. Avoiding alcohol could be helpful for people having any kind of erectile problems, whether or not they’re taking medication for them.Although it’s generally safe to take with alcohol, Levitra does not mix well with certain medications and other substances. Nitrates, which are often used to treat angina (chest pain), should also be avoided. Do not use more than the recommended dose of PARoxetine, and avoid activities requiring mental alertness such as driving or operating hazardous machinery until you know how the medication affects you. Here’s what you need to know about Levitra, alcohol, ED, and your safety.Men who took the first ED medications were often told to avoid drinking alcohol while using their drugs. Levitra (vardenafil) is one of several medications available today to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). They can help answer any questions you might have, such as: Levitra increases the blood supply to the penis. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Do not use more than the recommended dose of PARoxetine, and avoid activities requiring mental alertness such as driving or … If you are a woman using this medicine (vardenafil tablets), talk with your doctor if you are pregnant, plan on getting pregnant, or are breast-feeding. The two together might make you sleepy or you might lose your focus when you first start taking paroxetine. Other substances that may interact with Levitra include:There’s no research that says it’s unsafe to use Levitra and alcohol together.