)The short-acting form of venlafaxine comes as a tablet. Below are examples of these side effects.These lists contain examples of more common side effects that can occur with Lexapro or with both drugs (when taken individually).These lists contain examples of serious side effects that can occur with Effexor XR or with both drugs (when taken individually).Effexor XR and Lexapro have different FDA-approved uses, but they’re both used in adults with:The use of Effexor XR and Lexapro in treating MDD or GAD have been compared in analyses of multiple clinical studies. This means Effexor XR controlled their symptoms more effectively than a placebo.Effexor XR is FDA-approved to treat panic disorder in adults. However, Effexor XR may be used off-label for this condition.Talk with your doctor if you’re interested in taking Effexor XR to treat OCD.Effexor XR is not FDA-approved to prevent or treat Talk with your doctor if you’re interested in taking Effexor XR for migraine.Effexor XR is not FDA-approved to treat pain, but it may be used off-label for this purpose.Talk with your doctor if you’re interested in taking Effexor XR to treat pain.Effexor XR is not FDA-approved to treat menopausal symptoms and hot flashes. Other problems included constant crying, poor feeding, tense or shaky muscles, and vomiting.These complications and symptoms can be treated by healthcare professionals. They can recommend ways to relieve these side effects.Probably. Complications and withdrawal symptoms included the need for tube feeding or breathing support, and an extended stay in the hospital. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.© 2004-2020 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. Your doctor will ultimately prescribe the smallest dosage that provides the desired effect.The following information describes dosages that are commonly used or recommended. Don’t stop taking Effexor XR unless your doctor recommends that you do so.You may be able to switch from a short-acting form of venlafaxine to Effexor XR if your doctor recommends that you do. This is because the effects of Effexor XR can last for several days after your last dose.If you need to take Effexor XR with a triptan, your doctor will monitor you closely for symptoms of serotonin syndrome. I wake up with a head ace every morning. They will use this information when interpreting your test results.Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Effexor XR.No, the immediate-release form of brand-name Effexor is no longer on the market. If you’re interested in finding an alternative to Effexor XR, talk with your doctor. The actual price you’ll pay depends on your insurance plan, your location, and the pharmacy you use.Your insurance company may require you to get prior authorization before they approve coverage for Effexor XR. However, each person’s taper will be different.If you want to stop taking Effexor XR, talk with your doctor. This allows the two neurotransmitters to stay active longer, which helps balance communication between nervous system cells in your brain.Restoring the balance of serotonin and norepinephrine is thought to improve symptoms of depression, anxiety, and panic disorder.It may take several weeks before you begin to see your symptoms improve. Both forms are taken by mouth once a day. The increased risk is seen in children under 18 years old and in adults ages 24 years old and younger.