Withdrawal is literally the worst on this than on any other meds I've ever been on.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castLooks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I’ve been on 300mg for a few weeks and have basically no anxiety.The major side effect has been nausea. I lost a bit of weight in the short term because I was too nauseous to eat, but now that the nausea has eased off, I’m eating normally again.It’s been great helping with my anxiety and depression. 2 years ago. This According to two short-term (8 weeks) double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trials including 365 and 377 patients with GAD, venlafaxine may reduce anxiety and tension scores [Two long-term (24 and 28 weeks) double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trials of 251 and 541 patients with generalized anxiety disorder found that venlafaxine may improve anxiety symptoms, starting as early as the second week of treatment [Social anxiety disorder (SAD), also known as social phobia, is a condition where one experiences intense anxiety or fear during social situations, which can severely disrupt daily life.Multiple randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trials suggest that venlafaxine is a safe and effective treatment for social anxiety disorder, even as a long-term option [Panic disorder is a chronic and recurring disorder characterized by seemingly unexpected panic attacks, which can negatively impact an individual’s wellbeing.A number of randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trials have found that venlafaxine may be a safe and effective treatment for panic disorder. Still haven't found one that works though.Definitely felt a bit disconnected initially by it, brain zaps too and reduced libido. I had previously been on Effexor 75 mg for 30 years and thought I would try something else for OCD. But then I also stay in bed a lot and that doesn't help.Even i feel light-headed and some sort of pressure. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Caution should be used in patients taking other medications with bleeding risks, such as aspirin or anticoagulation medications [Some research suggests that venlafaxine may be associated with birth defects and miscarriages, although strong clinical evidence is lacking. Those taking venlafaxine should be monitored and any changes in behavior should be reported to a doctor [There is a high risk of experiencing adverse events or withdrawal symptoms after abruptly discontinuing venlafaxine therapy, in as little as 12 hours. I have PTSD and anxiety so it helps with my flashbacks and nightmares and slows down that cyclical thinking regarding my trauma. I feel drowsy and tired all the time, it's … This medicine stops many drugs from getting into the body. However, researchers also suggest that patients taking venlafaxine may be less likely to be adherent to the medication [It’s important to note that each person will respond to antidepressants differently and the treatment of depression requires a personalized approach. For the first couple of months I was nauseous to the point where I could barely eat anything, my appetite was extremely low and I lost weight because of that, my night sweats got worse, dizziness and lightheaded sometimes. Antidepressants like venlafaxine also take time to work and patients may not feel benefits for 1-3 weeks or more. Find out how to naturally improve your reduce stress and anxiety with. There is no evidence that a higher venlafaxine dose results in any additional benefits.Patients with panic disorder should start on a venlafaxine dosage of 37.5 mg per day for a week.After at least a week, the dose should be increased to 75 mg, which is the recommended dose.However, patients that are not experiencing benefits from the recommended venlafaxine dose may be prescribed doses as high as 225 mg per day, which is the maximum dose.The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. Extra stress can weaken your immune system and it’s now more important than ever to keep your immune system strong! Search by name or medical condition. Find reviews for Venlafaxine from other patients. The Coronavirus pandemic is causing a lot of extra stress and anxiety, which can actually weaken your immune system and put you more at risk.