For healthier chip change-ups, check out our list of Food fairs have become a popular way to eat these days. But the past 10 years have seen a surge of frozen foods that are so artificial they almost can't be considered foods anymore. With a flavor lineup that included octopus and durian, it's clear that we really enjoy punishing ourselves over here. Plus, most of them are a Each year since 2012, Lays has offered $1 million dollars to the person who can come up with the best new flavor idea for their iconic product. In December 2013, We can say definitively say that this one is really gross. Scotland: haggis chips. However, it really took off in the last 10 years when vegan diets and other healthy lifestyle programs became popular.Being a sriracha hater is sacrilegious these days. A grim gallery of weird foods from around the world – from strange food to downright disgusting food, see pictures bound to get your stomach churning. Flavors like cappuccino, biscuit and gravy, and mac 'n cheese potato chips have made their way to supermarkets across the nation. With ingredients your mouth can't pronounce and your body can't process, many hoped this trend would come to a screeching halt. There’s an entirely new market out there, and it’s called – by me – “weird food”. But this year, Hostess —the makers of childhood favorites like Ding-Dongs and Hohos— are releasing a © 2020 Galvanized Media. The weird food scene takes perfectly normal food and injects an odd flavor into it. Rae Steinbach. Pringles jumped on the bandwagon with a loaded baked potato flavor and Kettle has started producing curry flavor. That email doesn't look right. Because these days, you can find bacon married to almost anything—mostly on or in things you'd never expect. From Brooklyn's Smorgasbord to the Texas State Fair, quick, tasty finger food is the name of the game. This contest is arguably one of the greatest marketing schemes of all time, but we can't deny that some of these flavors are just straight up strange. And it doesn't stop there. But on the most peculiar ideas to come out of the health movement is drinking grass. Initially, the alternative crust movement was pretty tame but pizza companies quickly went from deep dish to off the deep end. Jan 17, 2019 - Explore akaIcyhot's board "Weird flavored foods", followed by 131 people on Pinterest. The result? With creations like sushi burritos, dessert pizzas, and ramen burgers, creativity can sometimes bring new life to old favorites. In 2012, Burger King offered a bacon flavored ice cream sundae, and in recent years, Yankee Stadium has been serving sizzling bacon on a stick. We took to Reddit to find out what folks from other countries consider weird American food. "Artificially flavored life is too short to do anything 'unloaded'," reads Pringle's own description of their baked potato chips. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Now, you can find sriracha flavored chips, sriracha flavored popcorn, and even spicy sriracha flavored chocolate to get your spice fix without the bottle. All Rights Reserved. One of the all-time worst trends to come out of food fairs is fried fare that has no business being fried. This contest is arguably one of the greatest marketing schemes of all time, but we can't deny that some of these flavors are just straight up strange. Oh, and get this: The stuffed crust trend gets even weirder when you leave the country. Don't get us wrong, we love most things that came out of the healthy movement. Seriously, Taco Bell — if you're going to make your fake Mexican food even faker with chocolate of all things, you might as well go full-throttle.