Also, although we make every effort to keep the medical information on our website updated, we cannot guarantee that the posted information reflects the most up-to-date research.Don't miss out on being a part of the cure for glaucoma.Learn about various causes of increased eye pressure that result from eye trauma and how this medical problem is managed.Learn about one of the factors that contributes to glaucoma risk.Learn about the disproportionate impact of glaucoma on racial and ethnic minorities.BrightFocus makes innovative science possible around the world—BrightFocus is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States.Copyright 2000 - 2020 BrightFocus Foundation. That will worsen the symptoms of glaucoma. If you do not know your status, please consult with your eye doctor. If you are managing a new diagnosis, we have a Getting Started Guide that will help you understand and manage your “When we ask about their medications, they don’t consider a nose spray to be a medication. Whether you are allergic to the drug or to the preservative, switching to another glaucoma medication may be the only way to avoid intolerable discomfort. Your risk is higher, however, if you have open-angle glaucoma, so if you are undergoing treatment for glaucoma and have recently been diagnosed with a condition that requires more chronic use of oral steroids, you should discuss this with your ophthalmologist. You need carbohydrates to function properly, so what you can do is consume complex carbohydrates. They think of it like a vitamin,” said Karen M. Joos, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of … You should avoid foods like baked goods such as cookies, cakes, donuts or fried items like French fries or stick margarine to steer clear from worsening your glaucoma. As silent as it is in stealing eyesight, you need to take all precautionary measures possible to live a better and healthy life. Please consult your physician for personalized medical advice. And, of course, topical steroid eye drops can increase eye pressure, but if you are using these medications, you should already be under the care of an eye care provider.There are many other medications than can increase the risk of glaucoma in addition to the ones mentioned in this article, so it is always wise to talk with your pharmacist or your eye doctor about your medication regimen. Diet regulation can also serve as one of the best ways to stay away from this disease, according to a host of research studies, helping to naturally relieve IOP (intraocular pressure), improving blood flow to the eye and reducing oxidative stress. Take the IrisVision trialGet a 30-day evaluation for yourself, a patient, or a loved one and find out if IrisVision is the right low vision aid for you. Anxiety One example is Vistaril (hydroxyzine), a medication that reduces anxiety, and can have strong anticholinergic effects, increasing the … Better yet, you can even employ some natural remedies to help control your disease.With that, if you start avoiding some things that increase the symptoms of glaucoma, your life will become so much better. Anticholenergic means that these drugs block the action of acetylcholine, a chemical messenger that transmits signals from one nerve cell to another nerve cell, muscle cell, or gland cell, for example.Medications that have anticholinergic properties are used to treat the following medical conditions:Ephedrine can result in acute angle-closure glaucoma attacks in patients with preexisting narrow angles.There are certain drugs that can cause angle closure in some people, often in both eyes. Nausea Some medications used to treat nausea have anticholinergic effects, such as Phenergan (promethazine). So, why is it on this list? All medications and supplements should only be taken under medical supervision. Working with your eye doctor to find a medication you can take safely with minimal reaction may take some time and effort but is usually worth it in the long run. But we just have to do it. When shopping, look for ‘partially hydrogenated oils’ in the ingredients list to spot foods with high trans fatty acids.If you have food allergies, you may be at a higher risk of glaucoma. Also, although we make every effort to keep the medical information on our website updated, we cannot guarantee that the posted information reflects the most up-to-date research.Don't miss out on being a part of the cure for glaucoma.Learn about various causes of increased eye pressure that result from eye trauma and how this medical problem is managed.Learn about one of the factors that contributes to glaucoma risk.Learn about the disproportionate impact of glaucoma on racial and ethnic minorities.BrightFocus makes innovative science possible around the world—BrightFocus is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States.Copyright 2000 - 2020 BrightFocus Foundation.