Terry taught in the Duke University School of Nursing and was an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology. Medicines such as candesartan (A diuretic blood pressure pill is one of the most old-fashioned options, yet it could work very well. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. // Leaf Group Lifestyle People should talk to their doctor about other pain medications that may be safer.Decongestants are drugs that help to alleviate the symptoms of a Decongestants work by constricting blood vessels in the sinuses. Drugs such as hydrochlorothiazide or chlorthalidone rarely cause coughing. This class is called the ACE inhibitors. Your doctor might prescribe more than one type to treat your condition. Decongestants can make blood pressure worse in two ways: Decongestants may make your blood pressure and heart rate rise. Certain medications, particularly ones with decongestants in … It's always best to talk with your doctor if you're not sure about … One option would be to choose a cold medication specifically designed for those with high blood pressure. However, they also constrict blood vessels elsewhere in the body. Cough and High blood pressure. Antitussives decrease cough by blocking your cough reflex. All rights reserved. My blood pressure is at a safe level of 120 with those changes After 5 months of Lisinopril I am feeling better and hope that my cough goes away completely. Some cold medications don't contain decongestants. Some examples of ACE inhibitors include lisinopril, captopril, and ramipril. However, these medications may contain other powerful drugs, such as dextromethorphan… If you have high blood pressure and need to treat a cold or the flu, it’s best to look for medications that specifically say they are approved for use with high blood pressure, such as Coricidin. The following types are the most likely to cause issues in people with hypertension:When it comes to alleviating cold and flu symptoms, there are several alternatives to NSAIDs.There are some cold and flu medications designed for people with hypertension. Some of these ingredients include ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and naphazoline. They can be quite helpful in treating blood pressure, although a person may not respond adequately and need additional or other medications to control hypertension (In sum, there are so many possible treatments for high blood pressure that you should be able to find a blood pressure pill that you can tolerate. Ask the prescriber if one that is not an ACE inhibitor would be appropriate.Terry Graedon, PhD, is a medical anthropologist and co-host of The People’s Pharmacy radio show, co-author of The People’s Pharmacy syndicated newspaper columns and numerous books, and co-founder of The People’s Pharmacy website. Some can interfere with the effectiveness of drugs people are … I recommend that you not use medications that contain phenylephrine or ephedrine and are commonly designated with a "D" after the name. The warning is about how the medication may increase a person’s blood pressure. Certain medications, particularly ones with decongestants in them, can raise a person’s blood pressure.Keep reading for more information on cold medications for people with Some drugs that can be problematic for people with hypertension or heart disease include:The study found that people with hypertension who took NSAIDs for an ARI were around three times more likely to have a heart attack. Blood pressure medication will not prevent any threats to blood pressure posed by an allergy medication 3.While many allergy medicines do not affect a person's blood pressure, there are some that can, and are especially dangerous for those who have a history of high blood pressure 3. These nasal decongestants work by constricting the blood vessels which can inadvertently raise blood pressure. Using a saline (salt water) nasal spray or Neti pot instead of a decongestant is also a good option. A dry, persistent cough is an adverse event that requires discontinuation of the drug. The American Heart Association says various cough products contain decongestants that can both raise blood pressure and affect the way blood pressure medicines work Examples of common decongestant ingredients in multisymptom cough and cold products that can increase blood pressure include pseudoephedrine, ephedrine and phenylephrine, according to the Mayo Clinic Cough and cold products that are free of decongestants include the Coricidin HBP line of cough and cold products. Both the heart and kidneys are more likely to work well when blood pressure is not unduly elevated. Individuals who have both high blood pressure and allergies must take care in choosing allergy medication 3. The list is meant for health care professionals to review as they consider treatments.