Before medication, they used to last 30+min and my heart would race to 200 bpm. CCBs like bepridil, diltiazem and verapamil have a negative effect on AV conduction and the SA node and may exacerbate these conditions.Major Potential Hazard, High plausibility. Marked hemodynamic deterioration and ventricular fibrillation have occurred in patients with wide-complex ventricular tachycardia (QRS >= 0.12 seconds) treated with IV verapamil.Moderate Potential Hazard, Moderate plausibility. Sinuses extremely dry. The use of verapamil and diltiazem is specifically contraindicated under these circumstances.Major Potential Hazard, Low plausibility. Applies to: Congestive Heart Failure, Myocardial InfarctionDiltiazem has demonstrated a negative inotropic effect in isolated animal tissue preparations but rarely in clinical situations. SIDE EFFECTS. After two weeks I called my doc and she lowered my medication back down again and I must monitor BP. I had never had this anytime in my life until I turned 39 and my doctor has mentioned it could be hormonal related. As time continued, it worked even better and also controlled my heart rate. If it continues for a long time, the heart and arteries may not function properly. I have a cardiac ablation scheduled for a week and a half from today, and will hopefully be off all medication if it is a successful procedure.” When my Medicare Advantage plan changed how it paid for Diltiazem, I couldn't afford that prescription. CCBs whose pharmacologic effect is partially dependent on their ability to reduce afterload (e.g., diltiazem, nicardipine, nifedipine, verapamil) may be of less benefit in these patients due to a fixed impedance to flow across the aortic valve and may, in fact, worsen rather than improve myocardial oxygen balance. Therapy with CCBs should be administered cautiously and often at reduced dosages in patients with significantly impaired hepatic function. The following information is NOT intended to endorse any particular medication. Both Norvasc and Cardizem (Diltiazem) are in the medication class known as Calcium Channel Blockers (CCBs).This class is further divided into two subtypes; the Dihydropyridines and the Non-Dihydropyridines. Select one or more newsletters to continue. “I was diagnosed with SVT about 7 months ago. “Hi i have inappropiate sinus tachycardia which I'm taking diltiazem 200mg, Indapamide 2.5mg, andatorvastatin and my heartrate is still 120 and I've taken these for 1 year.” I learned quickly that it requires a good bowel regimen. Due to potential negative inotropic and peripheral vasodilating effects, the use of CCBs may further depress cardiac output and blood pressure, which can be detrimental in these patients. My SVT results in 1-3 second arrythmias and then they stop. Applies to: Liver DiseaseCalcium channel blockers (CCBs) are extensively metabolized by the liver. Likewise, diltiazem should not be given to patients with acute myocardial infarction and pulmonary congestion documented by X-ray on admission, since associated heart failure may be acutely worsened. Not happy with this medication.” From that day I am taking dilzem CD 120. This medication has been a godsend and works great for me.” IV administration of a calcium channel blocker can precipitate cardiac arrest in such patients. I did feel alot better for those 2 days but I went back on 2.5mg Bystolic until I saw Doctor. Mild symptoms of cardiac failure should be under control, if possible, prior to initiating diltiazem therapy.Major Potential Hazard, High plausibility. Select one or more newsletters to continue.