The plaintiff that is suing Monsanto had used Roundup for many years. I treated each day like a big game. And now it’s back. Lymphoma is a type of cancer of the white blood cells of the lymphatic, or immune, system. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma sounded terrifying, and it was.Marc’s doctors convinced him to begin immediate chemotherapy and radiation. I’m in Las Vegas but looking for a holistic nutritionist that can help me boost immunity and fight cancer. Thanks very much. I believed I was healed after my treatment, because your belief system is the most powerful tool to healing. No soda. Take with or without food. I’m located in Philadelphia! Try to avoid Monsanto statements as they have apparently known that Roundup causes cancer since 1983 according to several attorneys that have gotten access to their “secret” documents.I was diagnosed with lymphoma T cell cancer stage 4. I realized that, in addition to medical treatment, my body needed nourishment and love. The study involved 466 adults who had been diagnosed with NHL and 391 matched control subjects without cancer. We don’t know which fruits and vegetables have too much sugar… we don’t know if we can put lentils in soup or potatoes. Completely got rid id dairy products, alcohol, sugar… I use little salt, increased the intake of fruits and vegetables. Why Do I Have a Lump behind My Ear? But her body has been put through so much hell over the years with stress and a very poor diet that it caused cancer.So you must be extreme in reversing it, when it’s reversed then you can let off the smoothies and juices (other people have beat cancers as well, not just lymphoma! Being gluten-free in college has aff...Most people think of bacteria within the body as a cause of getting sick or developing certain diseases, but did you know that at all times there are actually billions of beneficial bacteria present within all of us? But I want to know what the indication is that it has gone if I only have blood tests.I had GBM 4 and reversing it using oils, alkaline living and holistic therapiesNeed nutrition and dietary guidance for large B cell lymphoma… had a good physical mid August with good blood work except slightly low Vit d and mildly elevated A1C. Interested in specific diet for Non Hodgkins LymphomaI have follicular NHL and eat a lot of great foods. Probably lymphoma (I am not sick so this swelling isn’t natural).My diet was poor. He had an episode of chest pain and sweat last night. Have you heard of the book Radical Remission by Kelly Turner PhD? I was in COMPLETE REMISSION at my 2 month scan with zero sign of disease!!!! I was recently diagnosed with chromophobe renal cell carcinoma. How has being gluten-free shaped your college experience and choices? I am in that elusive club. I was extremely sick. How bad do you want to live? The plaintiff that is suing Monsanto had used Roundup for many years. We have heard that salmon is dangerous to eat because of compromised waters. Essential Oils for Cough, Cold and Congestion Top 10 Folliculitis Home Remedies It kills good and bad cells. If u can assist I would appreciate it. Chemo alone will not make your body right. Mostly it was through knowing that their body had the capability of healing if they managed their stress, truly loved themselves, let go of past traumas, made sure they got good sleep to restore, ate a mostly plant-based diet, exercised and supporting their nutrient deficiencies. Had my six month PET showing possible infection/HL in lung and some FDG uptake in a lymph node in mediastinum. The researchers interviewed all of these people about their diet, lifestyle, and other health issues. I’m married w 3 kids. The researchers believe that these particular vegetables and nutrients work as antioxidants, meaning that they can help protect against oxidative damage to cells that is inflicted by free radicals. I heard it can affect muscle growth by damaging the gut flora. The cycle of work yourself to exhaustion, take in large amounts of caffeine to get through the day, and constantly pressing towards a goal are toxic. How were we supposed to go on and feel happy without him? I lost 45 lbs, went from working out almost every day, to barely getting out of bed. My partner was gone, my daughters’ father was no longer in their lives. If you eat anything GMO that has been engineered to withstand Roundup and its active ingredient called glyphosate all of those kinds of veggies will harm you further. When deciding which foods to purchase organic, here a helpful guide is The Environmental Working Group: EWG’s 2017 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce this is my guideline for purchasing organic and it should be yours too.If there is anything else I can help with please do not hesitate to reach out.Hi Elissa, Inspiring ! Stared a vegan diet and certain supplements. Three days ago we started making healthy soups and buying lots of vegetables. I’m joining her in this new way of eating. It is this damage that is thought to play an important role in the genesis of cancer within the body.