These increased levels medication in the bloodstream can be toxic in some cases.Grapefruit has little to no effect when it comes to Fluvastatin (Lescol) and rosuvastatin (Crestor), however it does have an adverse affect for those taking atorvastatin, lovastatin and simvastatin, sold under brand names Lipitor, Mevacor and Zocor.If you’re particularly partial to grapefruit, talk to a health professional or pharmacist before giving it up for good. hi lynne, im 51, also had a heart attack 3 weeks ago and had a stent put in one of my arteries. This results in more medication entering the bloodstream and increases the risk of statin side effects such as muscle pain, liver damage and memory loss. Sometimes, grapefruit interacts with only some of the drugs in a category, not all. "One of them, cytochrome P3A4, is responsible for degrading a number of the most commonly used statin drugs," he explains.However, a number of things — like other medications you take, foods you eat and exposures in the environment — can affect these enzymes. “Eating a lot of saturated and trans fats increases your blood cholesterol and it’s important to choose healthier fats to balance the good and bad cholesterol ratio.”Statins can also interact with other specialised drugs such as antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals and antitransplant medications. Statins should continue to be taken unless advised otherwise by a doctor.“It’s great when people are informed and reading about their medicines but talk to your expert about how that applies to you,” Connell says.Choosing other healthier alternatives such as different citrus fruits, vegetables, whole grains, reduced fat dairies and healthy fats from nuts, seeds, avocados and olives can keep cholesterol levels down without the risk of interaction. after 1 week. may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. But there's a catch. Furanocoumarin, a substance found in grapefruit, can affect that enzyme by inactivating it, says The question, though, is how much grapefruit is considered too much for you to eat or drink? Although grapefruit interacts with over 85 medications, not all of the interactions cause serious side effects. People should not stop taking statins without a doctor’s approval. i was put on statins, rosuvistatin 20 mg. and like you, told i would have to take these for life. In this case, it's primarily grapefruit. Statins help to not only lower your LDL cholesterol, but also minimize the risk of blood vessel disease. "I think it is totally reasonable to part with grapefruit juice if you can part with it, but it's not the end of the world if, once in a blue moon, you have a small glass of grapefruit juice," suggests Dr. Tomey. Grapefruit juice is the only food or drink that has a direct interaction with statins. 2020 (Lose up to 15 pounds WITHOUT dieting with Eat Clean to Get Lean, our 21-day clean-eating meal plan.) Statins help many people reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke but may not be effective if taken with one particular food. Some make them work better, some make them work less. In addition to lowering "bad" LDL cholesterol and raising "good" HDL cholesterol, statin drugs can also decrease the level of triglyceridescirculating in your blood. But if taking all those steps isn't enough to improve your blood test results, your doctor will likely prescribe a statin. may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. According to Harvard Health, “It’s important to discuss any queries about interactions with your doctor or pharmacist and that includes if an alternative is required and if so, which one,” Connell says.Other cholesterol lowering medications may be available and a health professional will be able to discuss these with individuals as they may vary depending on unique health circumstances.