There are many current threats to Durban’s success as a city. Whoonga is the cruelest high. Whoonga does exist! While it has been around in the country for some time, it came to full prominence in 2009. No one starts off wanting to become an addict, however, addiction is a slippery slope and once you’re caught in it, it is extremely difficult to get out of. The claimed major source of the anti-retrovirals appears to be robbery from HIV patients, with media reports claiming that patients are being mugged for their pills as they leave the clinics where they obtain them. like most ppl my age ive dne my fair share of experimenting wit certain narcotics from weed 2 acid bt my high of choice is the former of course. What makes whoonga different - a fine white powder, added to marijuana and smoked - is its composition.It's a blend of detergent powder, rat poison and, crucially, crushed up ARVs, or antiretroviral drugs distributed free to HIV sufferers.With South Africa finally making inroads in the battle against HIV and Aids after years of denialism, this is a dreadful blow.The average jobless whoonga user needs multiple hits to get through the day, so for many crime becomes the only way to secure a regular supply.Worst of all, it means people in need of ARVs to save or prolong their lives are sometimes going without.They're being mugged for their pills as they leave the clinic.Some are willing to sell them - the free ARVs now have a value more pressing to the poorest than even their lifesaving properties. Whoonga is said to be used as recreational drug. Whoonga (also known as nyaope or wunga) is a form of black tar heroin, possibly mixed with other substances, that has come into widespread use in South Africa since 2009. ive seen the effects of da drug 1st hand! An insidious drug, made from detergent powder, rat poison and antiretroviral, is sweeping Durban's townships.I've just returned from Durban, South Africa's friendly east coast port city blessed with a warm sea and world-class surfing waves. While previous scientific reports suggest that use is growing and youth are particularly vulnerable, trajectories of initiation are not well characterized. An insidious drug, made from detergent powder, rat poison and antiretroviral, is sweeping Durban's townships. While Anwar Jeewa, director of the Durban-based drug rehabilitation centre, Minds Alive, said a small percentage of drug users may indeed be crushing and smoking ARVs, tests conducted by the centre and by staff from South Africa's University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) have found no traces of the life-saving drugs in 'whoonga' samples. Described as a “cruelest high” by Aljazeera in 2010, the dangerous drug is able to sprea… Whoonga, as it's known, is a substance being smoked in poor township communities around Durban, and it's popping up in other parts of the country as well.Drug-taking is commonplace in the townships - what else do you do if you're unskilled, uneducated and unemployed, as so many are? Reports also claim that some patients sell their HIV medications and that some corrupt health workers may be selling the anti-retrovirals illegally into the whoonga market.A Harvard School of Public Health researcher has expressed concern that people with HIV who smoke whoonga may develop mutant strains of the HIV virus which are resistant to the medication. Also known as Whoonga, Woonga, or Wunga, Nyaope is a popular street drug in South Africa. Treatment for nyaope/whoonga: As with most drugs, whoonga may first be taken as an ‘escape’ – emotional problems, underlying issues, stress. And if that's not shocking enough, perhaps the very worst aspect of whoonga is that many addicts, I'm told, actually seek to become HIV positive, because then they'll get their supply for free.