On Earth the government is tightening its grip on rebellious colonies while seeking to dominate the other humans throughout the galaxy, unaware that the seemingly-benign Klikiss robots, left behind when the Klikiss died out, are actually planning the destruction of the human race as they did their parent Klikiss. The humans and Ildirans mount a defense to protect their interests, but the virtually indestructible hydrogue ships and their lightning and ice weapons seem an unconquerable enemy. The long-held secrets of the Ildirans and the Klikiss robots are revealed amidst much destruction, and after 10,000 years the Klikiss return to reclaim their own empire at any cost. The Saga of Seven Suns is a series of science fiction novels written by Kevin J. Anderson. As the novel begins, the Hansa's test of a recently discovered ancient Klikiss technology that can convert As a lack of ekti will cripple both the human and Ildirian civilizations, and the hydrogues refuse to negotiate or even respond to human overtures of peace, their ultimatum is effectively a declaration of war. They use transgates to move between their worlds, and use an unknown form of propulsion to move between planets to attack. Later, the fire-based faeros and aquatic wentals also reappear as the war with their ancient hydrogue enemies escalates. But Jora'h must also survive an open rebellion among the Ildirans unleashed by his own brother Ildiran Mage-Imperator Jora'h is preoccupied with the bloody rebellion that his brother Rusa'h has launched across the Ildiran planets, with the help of Jora'h's own first-born son With the fate of the Hansa seeming darker than ever, the increasingly desperate and irrational Chairman Basil Wenceslas's punitive treatment of Hansa colonies and free-spirited Roamers, as well as his refusal to aid the burned forest world of Theroc, has made enemies all around. D. File:Dark Between the Stars 2014 1st ed.jpg; H. File:Hidden Empire 2002 1st ed.png This page was last edited on 8 December 2013, at 23:57 (UTC). King Peter and At the end of his rope, Hansa Chairman Basil Wenceslas has alienated all of the other factions in the Spiral Arm in his increasingly myopic and destructive struggle to reconsolidate the power he once held over the human race. But as the various factions try to recover, Hansa Chairman Basil Wenceslas intends to brutally crush any resistance to his rule. The Saga of Seven Suns supposedly records every significant event in their history, and the task of … As of July 2006, it is an open-ended series, currently with seven books … The series chronicles the universe-spanning war that erupts when … Earth’s own Soldier compies have rebelled thanks to secret programming by the Klikiss robots, taking over most of the Earth Defense Force battleships across the Spiral Arm. It was published on January 14, 2004. Media in category "The Saga of Seven Suns" The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total. On the planet Ildira, newly crowned Mage-Imperator Jora'h faces the responsibilities and secrets his predecessors have imposed upon him: a breeding program forced upon a colony of human captives and an uneasy pact with the Klikiss robots that could result in the extinction of the human race. With the Ildiran Mage-Imperator his hostage to thwart an Ildiran alliance with King Peter's Confederation, Basil installs a new puppet king of the Hansa: Peter's own brother Rory, thought killed years before. Ildirans are a stagnant race, mired in ritual and protocol, uninterested in expansion and content with the past glories described in their epic poem, the Saga of Seven Suns. So far the best candidate appears to be The elemental war between hydrogues and faeros continues to sweep across the Spiral Arm, extinguishing suns and destroying planets. The final hydrogue assault on Earth is put in motion, and with the Hansa's loss of military might and allies, the outlook is grim.The hydrogues have been defeated across the galaxy thanks to the combined efforts of the Earth Defense Forces, the Ildiran Empire, the Roamer clans, the wentals and the verdani. Rusa'h and the faeros have seized control of Ildira and Theroc with much loss of Ildiran and human lives. Ancient verdani thorny tree battleships arrive after a long journey across the universe to aid Theroc, while the Roamers' plan to seed aquatic planets with wentals to rejuvenate the elemental race comes to fruition. Pushed into a corner, Ildiran Mage-Imperator Jora'h has reluctantly agreed to assist the hydrogues in exterminating the human race so that the Ildirans will be spared.